Release Notes - May 2024

Release Notes - May 2024



  1. Current Version:
    1. iOS: 5.5.8
      1. [NEW FEATURE] Dark Mode for IOS
      2. [ENHANCEMENT] Updated the fire inspections module user interface to match the user experience of a web browser. 
      3. [ENHANCEMENT] Enhanced user experience with haptic feedback when changing response status and updated the presentation of the "create dispatch" option. 
      4. [ENHANCEMENT] Updated UI to prevent users from responding to closed dispatches.
      5. [ENHANCEMENT] Added an indicator for unread messages in the chat section.
      6. [FIX] Fixed an issue with menu index access.
      7. [FIX] Corrected hydrant icon size consistency between Google Maps and ESRI maps.
    2. iOS: 5.5.9
      1. [NEW FEATURE]  Added a layer for fire stations locations on the map. 
      2. [ENHANCEMENT] Enhanced menu options related to Dashboard module.
      3. [ENHANCEMENT] Enhanced ArcGIS layers data loading. Added support for other types of ESRI layers.
      4. [ENHANCEMENT] Supporting landscape mode. Get a wider view while using forms, reading documents, completing an inspection, and more.
      5. [FIX] Fixed an issue related to map settings. 
      6. [FIX] Fixed an issue with markers size on ArcGIS map. Allows for better accuracy now.
    3. Android: 6.7.1
      1. [NEW FEATURE] Dark Mode for Map View
      2. [ENHANCEMENT] Create Dispatch Option
      3. [ENHANCEMENT] UI Update to Prevent Responding to Closed Dispatches
      4. [ENHANCEMENT] Unread Messages Indicator in Chat Section
      5. [FIX] WebView Refresh Issue
    4. Android 6.7.2
      1. [NEW FEATURE] Incident command feature now available from the dispatch details view.
      2. [NEW FEATURE] Measure distances accurately with the new ruler functionality added to the ArcGIS map.
      3. [ENHANCEMENT] Enabled SSO login, making it easier for our Canadian users to access the app securely and conveniently.
      4. [ENHANCEMENT] Pinned shortcuts now have clearer dashboards, providing a more intuitive user experience.
      5. [ENHANCEMENT] WebPages now support landscape mode by rotating your device, in addition to the existing tablet support.  
Dark Mode for iOS


  1. New Features
    1. Lockout Protocol 
      1. We have implemented a lockout feature to enhance security for users with local authentication. This measure helps prevent unauthorized access through repeated failed login attempts. Users with local authentication will be locked out after 10 failed login attempts within a 12-hour period. The user account will be deactivated to prevent further login attempts. System administrators can reactivate locked-out users from the User List page.
    2. User Account Settings UI Refresh
      1. The User Account settings page has been refreshed using the new design library, providing a modern and intuitive user experience. While the core functionalities remain unchanged, editing the email address has been updated.

    1. New Method for Email Update in User Account Settings
      1. We have introduced a new, secure method for updating the email address in the User Account settings. This feature enhances security by requiring password confirmation and email verification through a one-time password (OTP).


  1. Enhancements
    1. Option to Display Overdue Checks on the Dashboard
      1. We've added a enhancement that changes the visibility of overdue checks on the dashboard. Previously, we displayed checks that were due today with a 'Next Due' tag. Now, after the due time has passed, it will display to show an 'Overdue' tag instead. This enhancement improves visibility and prioritization of overdue checks, ensuring that critical tasks are easily identifiable on the dashboard.

    1. Created an "Assets - Update Assigned To" Permission:
      1. We've implemented a new permission called 'Assets - Update Assigned To.' This permission allows users to update the 'Assigned To' field within specific asset checks. This enhancement applies specifically to Apparatus Checks, Equipment Checks, and Kit Checks. 
      2. Warning Joypixels Sticker - Warning Joypixels Caution StickersTo update the 'Assigned To' field, users must have the 'Assets - Update Assigned To' permission enabled. If a user does not have this permission enabled, the 'Assigned To' field will be hidden and inaccessible.

    1. Added new field "Size - General" Field to the Equipment Table
      1. We have introduced a new field, 'Size - General,' within the Equipment table. This field is specifically displayed on the 'Turnout Gear' specifications page. The 'Size - General' field is optional and not a required entry. 

    1. Updated the "Kits" Tab inside Compartments/Storages
      1. We have updated the 'Kits' tab within Compartments/Storages to display both Kits and Med Kits in a unified view. Users now have access to two buttons: 'Assign Kit' and 'Create Kit'. Assets kits are labeled with 'ASSETS' and show Kit Name, ID, Location, and Last Inspection Date (if available). Medication kits are labeled with 'MED' and display Kit Name, ID, and Last Count Date (if available).

    1. Addition of "Battery" to Fuel Type in Equipment List
      1. A new enhancement has been made to the Equipment record in the Specifications section, specifically to the "Fuel Type" field. The new enhancement introduces "Battery" as an additional value.

    1. Addition of Fuel Type, GVWR Class, and GVWR Fields to Apparatus Info Section
      1.  Introduces three new fields: Fuel Type, GVWR Class, and GVWR, to improve the accuracy and detail of apparatus records. 
        1. GVWR: Free Text, 50 Character Limit
        2. GVWR Class: Free Text, 50 Character Limit
        3. Fuel Type: Single Select
  1. Other Enhancements/Bug-Fixes
    1. Issues related to the versioning of the checklist when saving were fixed.
    2. Issues related to the addition/deletion of inventories were fixed.

Community Connect

  1. Enhancements
    1. Alert Categories for Users to Opt In/Out
      1. Community Connect and High-Hazard users can now select specific types of alerts they want to receive from their Fire Department. This enhancement provides Community Connect end users with more control over their alert preferences, replacing the previous single general alert option.
    2. Address Verification for New Addresses
      1. Fire Departments can now manually review and validate addresses created from Community Connect and High Hazard users to avoid incorrect or out-of-area entries. This validation is performed only during account creation and not for later edits.
NOTE: Address verification is off by default. You must speak with your Client Success Manager to enable this feature. 

Fire Prevention 

  1. Enhancements
    1. Notification Emails for Self-Assigned Inspections
      1. We've implemented a change to ensure that schedulers receive an email notification when they assign themselves to a scheduled inspection. Previously, inspectors only received emails when assigned by another person, which limited their ability to add inspections to their calendars promptly.
    2. Access to "Preplan Review" Button on Mobile
      1. With this enhancement, all users now have access to the "Preplan Review" button on mobile devices, provided they have the necessary permissions. The removal of this restriction streamlines the user experience and ensures that users can seamlessly use the "Preplan Review" functionality on their mobile devices.

    1. New Occupancy Fields for Inspection Checklists
      1. We've expanded the capabilities of our inspection checklist configuration by adding five new occupancy fields specifically for use with the "Field Update" checklist type. They include:
        1. Occupancy Class
        2. Additional Occupancy Class
        3. Average Exposure Separation
        4. Additional Construction Type
        5. Fire Load
      2. This enhancement allows users to capture more detailed and relevant information during inspections, enhancing the quality and specificity of your First Due inspection reports.

    1. New Permission to Restore Deleted Completed Inspections
      1. We've implemented a new permission that allows users to view and restore deleted completed inspections within our system. The permission title is "Fire Inspection - Restore Deleted Inspection" Deleted completed inspections are not displayed by default in the inspection list. Users with the new permission have access to a filter option labeled “Show Deleted.”

    1. Remarks Highlight Text Functionality Restored
      1. We have restored the highlight text feature to our remarks tool.

    1. Auto-Expanding Free Text and Remarks
      1. When working with checklist items categorized as "Free text" or when adding remarks, the text fields will automatically expand to accommodate longer text entries. 
    2. New Custom Data Fields for Permits
      1. There is now an addition of five new data field options for configuring custom data fields on permit types. These new fields enhance the permit completion process from both the First Due page and the Community Connect portal, providing more versatility in data collection and reporting. Users now have access to the following new data field options:
        1. Currency: Accepts general monetary values in the format of "$x.xx" with support for cents to the nearest hundredth place.
        2. Yes/No: Displays as a single select question with options for "Yes," "No," or "N/A."
        3. Date: Provides a calendar picker for selecting dates.
        4. Time: Displays a time field in a 12-hour format, including AM/PM selection.
        5. Check Box: Renders a text field with a leading "Check Box" label.

    1. Format Numeric Fields for Enhanced Visibility
      1. We've implemented a visual enhancement to add thousand separators to numeric fields across various sections of the user interface. This change enhances readability without affecting how data is stored in the database.
    1. Increased Field Length for Property Value
      1. Users can now enter property values up to 999,999,999,999 in the property value field within occupancy data.
    1. New Occupancy Fields Available to Manage
      1. Users now have the ability to manage three new occupancy fields directly from field management. These enhancements empower users to customize and control key aspects of occupancy data management.
        1. Basement Attributes
          1. Manage the label
          2. Manage the dropdown list for “Basement Attributes” in field management. The permission Others > manageBasementAttribute is required.
          3. Manage permissions and is required by role.
        2. Flooring Materials
          1. Manage the label
          2. Manage the dropdown list for “Flooring Materials” in field management. The permission Others > manageFlooringMaterial is required.
          3. Manage permissions and is required by role.
        3. Occupancy Note (present in the occupancy record)
          1. Manage the label
          2. Manage permissions and is required by role.
    1. Invoicing – Improved Sort Order for Line Items
      1. We've made significant improvements to the sort order of line items, ensuring a more intuitive and accurate display, especially when dealing with alphanumeric identifiers. For more information, contact your Customer Success Manager 
        1. Old Sort Order: Item 10, Item 102, Item 12
        2. New Sort Order: Item 10, Item 12, Item 102
  1. Other Enhancements/Bug-Fixes
    1. Resolved inconsistent characters showing on the PDF reports:
      1. We've implemented a solution that addresses this issue by making changes to how fonts are handled in our PDF generation process. Instead of relying on library fonts, we now use fonts stored in our own font folder, ensuring consistent rendering across reports. If you are still experacning this issue please reach out to your Client Success Manager. 


  1. New Features
    1. Location Information in Work Orders
      1. We've added location information, including the nearest occupancy and location description, to the top of Work Orders. This enhancement aims to streamline the process of identifying and repairing hydrants by providing critical location details upfront.
    1. Out-of-Service Indicators on Hydrant Maps
      1. We've updated the Hydrant Map to display hydrants that are marked as Out of Service with a distinctive icon. This enhancement addresses a previous limitation where all hydrants were displayed with the default icon, regardless of their operational status.

    1. New Features for Hydrant List
      1. New functionality has been added to the process of creating a new hydrant on the hydrant map, enhancing the user experience with a location tool.

    1. Hydrant Assignments
      1. Added the ability to assign hydrants to prevention teams.

  1. Enhancements
    1. New Diameter Sizes for Flow Outlets
      1. We've expanded the diameter size options available in the flow outlet dropdown menu for our Flow Testing tool. This enhancement adds three new values to the dropdown: 1.875, 1.75, and 1.5.

    1. Updated Format and Content for Service Change Emails
      1. We've revamped the formatting and wording of our automated email notifications for hydrant service status changes. These changes are designed to assist users in quickly digesting important information about hydrant service status changes.

  1. Other Enhancements/Bug-Fixes
    1. FIX: Fixed an issue that cause the incorrect hydrant identifier from displaying within Work Orders. 
    2. FIX: Fixed an issue that caused the hydrant history list to cut off the bottom portion, hiding older flow and service tests. 
    3. FIX: Fixed a bug that caused an error when creating a hydrant without Preplan permissions.
    4. FIX: Fixed a bug that impacted users' ability to be added twice/Ranks displaying as addable.
    5. FIX: Fixed a bug that caused a Hydrant Work Order to clear data from Status and Last Service Completed fields when a work-order was created AND hydrant was placed back in service.
    6. FIX: Fixed an issue that when downloading a Hydrant Upload file, information would display via webpage, and not trigger download of .csv file.
    7. UPDATE: Updated Canned Reports Ul with recent Ul changes for Hydrant Xref_ID and Hydrant ID

Incident Documentation - NFIRS

  1. New Features
    1. Assigning Personnel to Multiple Apparatus
      1. We've introduced a powerful enhancement to our apparatus personnel assignment process within NFIRS. Previously, personnel records could only be assigned to one apparatus, which posed limitations in scenarios where a crew might be involved with multiple units during an incident. Now, personnel can be assigned to multiple units during the same incident, providing more flexibility and accurate documentation. You can make this modification by entering the NFIRS Setup < Response < Resources and selecting "Apparatus Assignment Override"

Warning Joypixels Sticker - Warning Joypixels Caution StickersNOTE: For print, export logic, and Ad Hoc reporting functionality, the personnel count will total all personnel listed regardless of whether they are listed on multiple apparatuses. Additionally, in the Payroll Summary section, when a personnel member is assigned to two apparatuses, to avoid discrepancies between the Time in/out and the Total Time, we won't show the Time in and Time out values, just the Total Time. We are working on improved functionality, which will be released soon.
    1. Historical Imported Filter
      1. Previously, historical imported records were displayed in the same list as incidents generated in First Due. With this update, we've introduced a checkbox labeled "Show only imported" in the filters section of the page. By default, this checkbox is unchecked, displaying only incident report records for NFIRS generated from CAD and created in First Due from scratch. When the checkbox is checked, regular incident records will no longer be visible, showing only the historical imported data.

  1. Enhancements
    1. Mapping Station from Historical Records
      1. We've implemented a feature that allows for the mapping of station information during the import of historical records, provided it's available in the TXT file. During the import process, we will now check if there is a value for the Station in the TXT file. If a value for the Station is found, we will map it according to the values created in the client's Station List. In cases where there is no matching station number received, we will still import the record, omitting the station information from the TXT file. For more information on this please consult with your Implementation or Client Success Manager
  1. Other Enhancements/Bug-Fixes
    1. FIX: Overall performance in the Fire Incident List

Incident Documentation - NFIRS (Canada)

  1. Coming Soon.

Incident Documentation - ePCR

  1. Enhancements
    1. Attachments Visible to QA/QI Module
      1. We've implemented changes to make attachments visible to reviewers in the QA/QI module, allowing for review comments to be added directly to the attachments field. Attachments within the ePCR are now accessible to reviewers in the QA/QI module. Review comments can be added directly to the attachments field, enhancing collaboration and feedback. Comments added to the attachment field are displayed in the report and in the comments side panel. 

    1. Streamlined List Management
      1. We've added a new functionality called "Sync Secondary Field" to primary fields (eSituation.09 Primary Symptom and eSituation.11 Primary Impression) within the Field Customization tool. The "Sync Secondary Field" button, located next to the save button on the values page, enables synchronization between primary and secondary lists. When activated, changes made to the Primary Impression or Primary Symptom List will be mirrored in the corresponding secondary list. This synchronization includes copying values and their position/sort order from the primary list to the secondary list. 

    1. Workflow Functionality: Shift and Station
      1. We've extended the functionality of our Workflows feature to incorporate the Hide ability for the Shift and Station fields within reports. 

    1. Pertinent Negatives for Race Field
      1. We've implemented a new feature that enables users to incorporate custom Pertinent Negatives values into the Race field. 
    1. Preventing CAD Refresh Overwrites
      1. The Refresh CAD feature no longer requires users to select a unit; it will automatically download the information for the current CAD record. Importantly, the Refresh CAD action now safeguards against overwriting previously entered data. To overwrite values, users must select a completely different unit within the same CAD record or choose a different CAD incident.
    1. Improving Error Validation for Questions
      1. Error validations are now displayed for custom questions within custom sections. The tab containing these custom sections will show a counter indicating the number of errors, similar to other sections in the platform.

  1. Other Enhancements/Bug-Fixes
    1. CUSTOM VALUES: Add custom values to Protocols/Licensure Level for NEMSIS 3.5.0.
    2. CUSTOM VALUES: User Interface Fixes
    3. OTHER: Within Export, Signatures; Exporting the signature group when any information in the signature block is completed.


  1. New Features
    1. Dashboard: Completed Counts and Usage
      1. Introducing the Medications Dashboard, a new feature within the Medications Module that provides a comprehensive view of completed counts and usage activities for medical kits and supplies. This dashboard enhances visibility and tracking of medication-related actions performed within the system. Each Med Kit that is in service will display. Accessible via the Medications Module with by enabling the permission "Medication - View Dashboard."

    1. Incident Lookup in Medication Usage
      1. The Medications Module now includes an incident lookup feature within the Usage process, enabling users to associate medication usage with specific incidents. Incident can be selected from NFIRS Notifications OR Incident Report tables (requires "Fire Incidents" or "NEMSIS ePCR" modules)
  1. Enhancements
    1. Med Log Entry Descriptions for Correct Seal Counts
      1. The Med Log entry descriptions for Correct Seal Counts have been updated to provide clearer and more detailed information about the count process. 


  1. New Features
    1. Dispatch Units/Incident Types – Limit Users Feature
      1. A new feature has been introduced on the Dispatch Unit/Dispatch Incident Types details page that allows administrators to limit user access to specific dispatch units and incident types. This feature enhances privacy and control over sensitive dispatch information.

  1. Other Enhancements/Bug-Fixes
    1. FIX: Address Pop-Up Bug Fix
      1. A bug affecting the address link in the address line of the pop-up has been fixed. This issue previously prevented the link from redirecting to the Occupancy Record.


  1. Enhancements
    1. "Incidents, Training, and Events Payroll" Report Enhancements for Canada
      1. Improved Incident Data Display: The Incident portion of the report now features enhanced data presentation.
      2. Added Filters: We've introduced two new filters—'Qualifiers' and 'Ranks'—to provide more flexibility and granularity in filtering incident data.
    2. "Incident Report" Data Source Enhancement
      1. We've expanded the Incident Report data source by adding two new columns, Incident Type Series and Incident Type Series Name, providing additional insights and flexibility in reporting.

    1. New Fields Available for "Occupancies" and "Occupancies History" Data Sources 
      1. New fields added:
        1. Average Exposure Separation
        2. Exposure A Separation
        3. Exposure B Separation
        4. Exposure C Separation
        5. Exposure D Separation
        6. Fire Department Access
        7. Warning Alarm (Fire Alarm - Monitoring )
        8. Occupant Mobility
        9. Warning Alarm
        10. Exiting System
        11. Regulatory Oversight
        12. Human Activity
        13. Experience
        14. Capacity to Control
        15. Hazard Index
        16. Fuel Load 
        17. Number of Exposures Within 30'
        18. Required Fire Flow
        19. Needed Fire Flow
        20. Fire Flow Available
        21. Fire Sprinklers 
        22. Standpipe Systems
        23. NFPA Five Year Inspection
        24. Value to Community
        25. Risk Score
        26. Risk Classification


  1. New Features
    1. Vacation Bidding
      1. The Vacation Bidding feature is designed to transform how employees request time off by introducing a fair and transparent bidding system. For more detailed instructions and information, please refer to our Knowledge Base articles:
        1. Setting up a Vacation Bid
        2. Vacation Bidding: Submitting Bids
        3. Managing Active Vacation Bids
        4. Vacation Bidding: Submitting Bids for Others
        5. Scheduling Permissions

    1. Time Cards
      1. The Time Card feature empowers users to manage their time effectively by enabling review, addition, editing, and submission of time off and work types. 
        1. New Permissions:
          1. Scheduling - Access Time Card
          2. Scheduling - Time Card - Approve / Deny time cards
          3. Scheduling - Payroll Digital Timecard (Located under Reports in the role page)
        2. User View:
          1. Users can access the Time Card menu to view their current week and navigate through weeks.
          2. Time entries are automatically populated from the shift board.
          3. Users can edit entries and add comments.
          4. Ability to save the time card as a draft or submit for approval.
        3. Review Page (Admin Workflow):
          1. Admins access the 'Review' tab to see pending approval items.
          2. Filter options facilitate quick search and management.
          3. Admins can review, approve, or deny entries from this view.
        4. For detailed instructions and guidance, please refer to our Knowledge Base articles:
          1. Setting up Time Cards
          2. Submitting Timecards
          3. Approving/Denying Time Cards
    1. Scheduled Call Shifts
      1. We have released a new feature called Scheduled Call Shifts, designed to enhance shift management efficiency. This feature allows administrators to prebuild call shifts and schedule them for sending at a later time. Access the "Send Later" option when initiating a call shift, enabling you to set a specific date and time for automatic sending. Scheduled call shifts are created with a 'Scheduled' status, making it easy to filter and manage them on the call shifts main page.

  1. Enhancements
    1. Enhanced Call Shift Ranking View
      1. We have updated the user view in the call shift ranking to show all the elements that add up to the ranking value.

    1. Assignment Page Redesign
      1. We have redesigned Assignments page in the Setup section, enhancing both the list display and management functionalities. This update improves the user experience by facilitating easier filtering and data management for active and archived assignments.

    1. Holdover Management for Multiple Users
      1. We have streamlined the process of adding holdovers for multiple users within assignments. Previously, this feature was limited to one holdover per user, which could be repetitive for larger agencies. Now, administrators can conveniently add holdovers to all users in an assignment simultaneously.

    1. User Defined Days
      1. Users can now define how many days they would like to see in the shift board settings. 

    1. Additional Recurrence Rules:
      1. Users can now define custom rotation patterns such as
        1. 3 ON / 4 OFF / 3 ON / 4 OFF / 3 ON / 4 OFF / 3 ON / 4 OFF / 3 ON / 4 OFF / 3 ON / 3 OFF
        2. 1 ON / 22 OFF / 1 ON / 20 OFF / 1 ON / 23 OFF / 1 ON / 23 OFF / 1 ON / 23 OFF / 1 ON / 23 OFF / 1 ON / 23 OFF / 1 ON / 2 OFF
    2.  Associate Unit Call Sign with Assignments
      1. Users can now link unit call sign IDs to assignments using a multi-select field. This feature provides a streamlined way to manage and identify assignments with specific unit call sign IDs, enhancing organization and clarity

    1. Shift Availability Deletion Permission
      1. Grants officers the ability to delete shift availability for members from the My Shifts area. 

Warning Joypixels Sticker - Warning Joypixels Caution Stickers The user must have the "Scheduling - Delete My Shifts Availability" permission enabled for this function to work. 
    1. Allow Subtypes to be Required or Not
      1. As some agencies require subtypes for time off and work types, we have added a required function there. A new toggle has been added when creating work types or time off types that require the subtype.

    1. Call Shift Deletion Limit
      1. We have implemented an enhancement to restrict bulk deletion on the call shifts main page, ensuring more controlled deletion actions. Previously, users could delete multiple items simultaneously, which could lead to unintentional deletions.

  1. System Log: Track Changes to Accruals
    1. A new enhancement to the System Log now allows for tracking actions related to the Accrual Bank. This feature provides detailed logging of accrual changes, improving transparency and audit capabilities.
  1. Turn Off Time Off/Trades Request Notifications
    1. We have added a setting that allows administrators to turn off notifications for Time Off and Trades requests.


  1. Other Enhancements/Bug-Fixes
    1. FIX: Via Community Connect on Pet Photos: Fixed an issue that kept pet photos from displaying on the dashboard.  

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