Scheduling Permissions

Scheduling Permissions


  1. To provide descriptions on the various permissions related to the Scheduling Module. 
Helpful: Permissions listed below are separated into groups. Utilize the Table of contents to easily navigate to each of those groups.

Use the "Search Permission" field to quickly find a module’s permission(s)

Scheduling Permissions

Access Permissions

 Scheduling - Access SchedulingUser can see the Scheduling Module
Scheduling - Access DashboardUser can access the scheduling dashboard
Scheduling - Access My ShiftsUser can access the my shifts calendars
Scheduling - Acceess Shift BoardUser can access the shift board
Scheduling - Access Call ShiftsUser can access call shifts
Scheduling - Access MessagingUser can access messaging
Scheduling - Access Shift TradesUser can access shift trades
Scheduling - Access Time CardUser can access time cards
Scheduling - Access Time Off User can access time off
 Scheduling - Access SetupUser can update and modify the system settings for the entire scheduling module. 
 Scheduling - Access System LogUser can view the system log and utilize all the search funcitons within the log. 

 Scheduling - Manage AnnouncementsUser can post and delete announcements via the scheduling dashboard

Scheduling - View all users My ShiftsUser can see any other users My Shift calendar
Scheduling - Delete My Shifts Availability User can delete others My Shift availabilities
Scheduling - Add My Shifts Availability USer can add availability to the My Shifts Calendar

 Scheduling - Off Roster - AddUser can add others to the off roster portion of the shift board. 
Scheduling - Off Roster - Add for selfUser can add themselves to the off roster portion of the shift board
Scheduling - Off Roster - ApproveUser can approve off roster requests
Scheduling - Off Roster - Approve OthersUser can approve others off roster requests
 Scheduling - Off Roster - DeleteUser can delete personnel from the off roster portion of the shift board. 
 Scheduling - Off Roster - EditUser can edit personnel in the off roster portion of the shift board. 
 Scheduling - Off Roster - View detailsUser can view the details on the off roster portion of the shift board. 
 Scheduling - Shift Board - Add / EditUser can add and edit personnel into the shift board
Scheduling - Shift Board -Add Snap Assignment User can add Snap Assignment to Shift Board
 Scheduling - Shift Board - Add Extra VacancyUser can add a vacancy to an assignment on the shift board. 
 Scheduling - Shift Board - Approve / Deny Work Shift RequestUser can approve or deny sign ups on the shift board
 Scheduling - Shift Board - DeleteUser can delete a single instance on the shift board
 Scheduling - Shift Board - Delete All OccurrencesUser can delete every occurance on the shift board 
 Scheduling - Shift Board - Edit NotesUser can edit the notes section of the shift board 
Scheduling - Shift Board - Show HoverUser has the ability to see info associated with a user when they hover over a name
Scheduling - Off Roster ValidationUser can validate off roster section
 Scheduling - Assignment ValidationUser can validate and unvalidate dates on the Shift Board
 Scheduling - View Time Off Deputy SectionUser can view the time off portion of the scheduling deputy. 
 Scheduling - Time Off - See protected Time Off TypesUser can see any time off type that is a protected type on the shift board. 
 Scheduling - View ActivitiesUser can view activities on the shift board. 
 Scheduling - View Off Roster Deputy SectionUser can view the off roster portion of the scheduling deputy. 
Scheduling - View Unassigned Deputy SectionUser can view the unassigned personnel section on the Scheduling Deputy 

 Scheduling - Call Shifts - DeleteUser can delete within the call shift
 Scheduling - Call Shifts - Edit RankingUser can manually update any ranking within the call shift ranking
 Scheduling - Call Shifts - InitiateUser can start a call shift from both the shift board and from the menu
 Scheduling - Call Shifts - Update User StatusUser can update the status and response of a person attached to a call shift
 Scheduling - Call Shifts - View HistoryUser can view historical data regarding call shifts
 Scheduling - Messages - SendUser can send a new message
Scheduling - Messages - DeleteUser can delete messages
 Scheduling - Messages - View HistoryUser can view the historical data of all messages

Time off and Trade Permissions

 Scheduling - Time Off - Approve / DenyUser can approve or deny time off for all users
 Scheduling - Time Off - EditUser can edit time off for any and all users within the system 
Schduling - Time Off - Edit/Delete AnyUser can edit or delete any time off
 Scheduling - Time Off - Manage Accrual for PersonnelUser can assign accrual records, update and manuallyadjust accural profiles.
 Scheduling - Time Off - Manage Accrual SettingsUser can create new accrual profiles or update and delete any existing profiles.
 Scheduling - Time Off - Self ApproveUser can approve their own time off. 
Scheduling - Time Off - Self DeleteUser can delete their time off requests
Scheduling - Time Off - Create/Update vacation bidUser can create new and update existing vacation bids
Scheduling - Time Off - Delete Vacation BidUser can delete vacation bids
Scheduling - Time Off - View Vacation Bidding User can view and access vacation bids
Scheduling - trades - Delete Archived TradesUser can delete archived trades
 Scheduling - Trades - Routing ApprovalUser can approve trades for other users 
 Scheduling - Trades - See all Trade historyUser can see all trade history, including all users registers. 
 Scheduling - Trades - Update History RegistersUser can update all trade history registers for other users. 
 Scheduling - Trades - Update Own History RegistersUser can update their own trade registers. 
Scheduling - Trades - Delete Active Trades User has the ability to delete active trades, these include pending and approved
Scheduling - Trades - Delete Archived TradesUser can delete archived trades

Time Card Permissions

Scheduling - Time Card - Approve / Deny time cardsUser can approve and deny time card submissions

Scheduling Settings

 Scheduling - Manage Shared LinksUser can create and delete shared links for the shift board

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