Setting up Time Cards

Setting up Time Cards


  1. To explain the time card settings located in the Scheduling Module. 
  2. Time Cards allow users the ability to verify working time, work types, as well as vacation or other time off types are appropriate for the period. 

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1. Click on Scheduling> Setup.

2. Click on Time Card.

Click on Time Card.

3. Remind if not Approved, when turned on, allows for a notification to be sent if pending timecards are not addressed within a certain time frame. 
  1. Simply type in the amount of Hours that you want to pass before the pending time card sends a notification. 

Remind if not Approved, when turned on, allows for a notification to be sent if pending timecards are not addressed within a certain time frame.

4. The Time Card Displays can be set to Weekly, or by Pay Period (This is set within the Settings> Report Settings area.)

5.The Notification Options allow you to determine how the notification for approvals will be sent. When turned on, you will see:
  1. Any approver of Time Cards
  2. Notify on-duty.

6. When Any approver of Time Cards is selected, you can choose who will receive the notifications. Simply check the box and they will be added to the list. 

When Any approver of Time Cards is selected, you can choose who will receive the notifications. Simply check the box and they will be added to the list.

7. When Notify on-duty is selected you can:
  • Notify Employees with specific Qualifiers.
  • Notify a employee on a specific assignment. 
This will only send the notification to those individuals who are associated with a qualifier or assignment that can approve Time Cards.

8. When done, click Save in the upper right hand corner. 

When done, click Save in the upper right hand corner.

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