1. Locate and select your Incident Report by navigating to Incident Documentation module and selecting the Fire Incident List.
2. From within an incident report select on the Apparatus section.
3. You are able to manage any apparatus that was dispatched to that incident.

NOTE: If an apparatus has the lock icon, this indicates someone has accessed the apparatus from the fire incident list and is currently in the apparatus details modal.
4. By selecting on the three dots you are able to add personnel or delete that apparatus.
5. If you choose to delete the apparatus a warning modal will display.
6. Selecting the pencil icon will bring up an Apparatus Details modal.
7. From the Apparatus Details page there are four tabs across the top, Apparatus, Times, Personnel and Narrative.
- In the Apparatus tab you are now able to edit or add any information about that apparatus along with Actions Taken of that apparatus.
8. If responding from outside of your station, you are able to select either Address or Latitude/Longitude to enter where you are responding from.
9. From the Times tab you are able to manage / edit that apparatus times.
- If your agency is established with a CAD the appropriate times should populate other than the cancelled times.
10. You are able to manage times when selecting:
- X - clears the date and time from that field.
- Stop watch icon - time stamps to current date and time.
- Paper icon- copies times from prior time. i.e.(Dispatch Acknowledged will copy Dispatch times)
11. To edit times manually select within the box of the times you wish to adjust.
- A modal will appear to adjust Date, Time then select Apply.
12. If the unit was cancelled you can choose when you were cancelled, prior to dispatch acknowledgement, prior to en route, while en route or on scene.
- If documenting a Prior to Dispatch Acknowledgment or Prior To En Route see this helpful article: Documenting No Response Calls
13. From the Personnel tab you are able to add personnel along with editing or deleting any personnel.
14. When adding personnel either by the three dots or by the personnel tab within the apparatus details will bring up a personnel list modal.
- Use the search bar to filter personnel or scroll through the list then using the check boxes to add personnel to the apparatus then select save.
15. When editing personnel you can choose their riding position along with what actions were taken by that individual.
- See this helpful article for Creating Riding Positions for Apparatuses