Documenting No Response Calls

Documenting No Response Calls


  1. This article will cover the setup features to create plus one codes and then documenting those newly created plus one codes.


  1. This article is for those agencies that wish to record their no response calls and suggest alternate options to validate NFIRS documentation using plus one codes.
Per NFIRS Help Desk: If an incident is canceled before units respond there is no NFIRS incident to record. If units respond and are canceled en-route, then code as 611 - Dispatched & Canceled En-Route.

Under current NFIRS validation rules in order to complete the steps below and complete /authorize an incident you will need to have at least 1 person attached to the Apparatus.  You will need to have a Fictional User in your system. (Some examples: Test User, No response Personnel).  This will change under NERIS validation rules, a user will no longer be required.


Fire Incident Setup

1. Within the Incident Documentation module navigate to Fire Incident Setup and select on the Field Management section.

2. Select on the Custom Field Management.

There are two fields to manage:
  1. Basic Module / Section C / Actual Incident Type Found
  2. Basic Module / Section F / Actions Taken

NOTE: These fields may not populate in the dropdown if they have other custom settings associated to them, if they do then you can update these fields by selecting on the pencil icon.

3. Using the dropdown navigate by typing or scrolling to Basic Module / Section C / Actual Incident Type Found.

4. From the Values tab select Add Custom Option.

From the Values tab select Add Custom Option.

5. Now type in the new Plus One Code along with a Description to be displayed then select Create.

Now type in the new Plus One Code along with a Description to be displayed then select Create.

  1. From the Actions column:
  1. The check box if marked will indicate code is active and users can then select it when completing a report.
  2. The Incident Type Helper icon appears if you have selected Show Helper Function for Incident Report from the Field Settings tab within the Basic Module / Section C / Actual Incident Type Found and allows to add additional information.

  1. Selecting on the Incident Type Helper icon you are able to add information such as NFIRS or Local Definitions and any Keywords.

Selecting on the Incident Type Helper icon you are able to add information such as NFIRS or Local Definitions and any Keywords.

6. Using the dropdown navigate by typing or scrolling to Basic Module / Section F / Actions Taken.

7. From the Values tab select Add Custom Option.

Click on Add Custom Option

8. Now type in the new Plus One Code along with a Description to be displayed then select Create/Update.


1. When completing a report from the Response Section select the Dispatch tab and locate the Incident Type Found.

2. Using the dropdown begin typing to filter your list or scroll to the newly created code.

  1. If using the list view, you can search by typing or scroll through list then select.

3. In the Operations section within the Actions category you are now able to select the newly created plus one code for Overall Departmental Actions Taken.

With multi-select dropdowns select all that apply then select anywhere outside the dropdown to apply selections.

  1. If using the list view search or scroll and select check box then select apply.

4. When completing the Apparatus Details using the Unit Canceled toggle select either Prior to Dispatch Acknowledgment or Prior to En Route.

If using a CAD times should populate other than the Canceled time.

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