The First Due incident report workflow is designed to follow a typical incident:
Response (unit times, incident type)
Size-up (scene details)
People Involved (Property Owner, EMS, Injured FF)
Operations (actions taken)
Information (property, vehicle, and equipment involved)
Wrap up (narratives).
NOTE: Fields labeled with an (*) are mandatory items. These fields MUST have an entry before the report can be completed.
Navigate to Incident Documentation > Incident List.
Filter the Incident list using the search filters. Once you have selected your search criteria, select the Search button.
(A) Incident number - Filters by incident number
(B) Search Period - Filters by selected date range
(C) Location - Filters by incident address
(D) Dispatch Types - Filters by the dispatch types
(E) Incident Types - Filters by NFIRS incident type
(F) First Arriving - Filters by first arriving unit
(G) Shifts- Filters by assigned shift
(H) Status - Filters by incident report status
(I) Visible columns - Up to 23 columns may be selected
Once you have located your Incident, select the icon to edit the incident report.
The Dispatch section of Response includes the following fields:
(A) Assigned Station - The first due station of the incident location
(B) Dispatch and Incident numbers - The values for these fields are determined by the agency and PSAP
(C) Incident type dispatched and actual - May be different if incident type dispatched is different than incident type found (e.g., dispatched as incident type 733, but incident type 111 was found upon arrival)
(D) PSAP (911 center) Date and Times - The date(s)/time(s) the call was received and dispatched
(E) Notification Type - How the agency was notified about the incident
(F) Assigned Shift (if applicable) - Automatically assigns the on-duty shift at the date/time of the incident
(G) Number of Alarms (if applicable) - Select the number of alarms assigned to incident
The Location section of Response includes the following fields:
(A) Slider to select if the actual incident location was different from the dispatched incident location
(B) Location Type- NFIRS location types
(C) Fire Zone - Agency fire zones
(D) Incident Address- Address of the incident
(E) Population Density- NFIRS Population Density types
The Resources section of Response includes the following fields:
A selector to annotate Aid information
If you select Automatic or Mutual Aid received in the Aid Given/ Received section, you can include Aiding Apparatus by selecting the Add button.
You can add details for any aiding apparatus.
Once the information has been entered select the Create button
Apparatus Details- To add Apparatus details select the Add button then enter the details. Select the Update button when complete.
The following is a breakdown of specific apparatus details recorded:
Apparatus name
NFIRS Use type
Slider to indicate if a unit was in its assigned station when dispatched.
Slider to indicate if the unit was cancelled. Options to indicate when the unit was cancelled will appear.
Apparatus response dates / times.
Personnel assigned to the apparatus.
If multiple units are assigned to the incident you can copy unit dates/times by selecting the Copy Unit Times button below the apparatus name field. This feature will only appear after the first unit had been recorded. Follow the two steps below to use the copy feature:
The Station Response sectionenables you to document personnel that responded to the station for additional staffing or stand-by. Select the Add button. Once you have entered the details select the Create button.
The following details can be recorded
9. If enabled, complete thePayroll Summary. The payroll summary allows tracking of time in/out for personnel that may be involved in response or call-backs. Time tracking, stipends, points, and activity types can be documented with the Payroll Summary for an incident.
Purpose This article will guide you through the Operations section of an Incident Report. Related Articles Completing an Incident Report - Response Completing an Incident Report - Size-up Completing an Incident Report - People Involved Completing an ...
Purpose This article will guide you through the Size-up section of an Incident Report. Related Articles Completing an Incident Report - Response Completing an Incident Report - People Involved Completing an Incident Report - Operations Completing an ...
Purpose This article will guide you through the Wrap-up section of an Incident Report. Video Related Articles Completing an Incident Report - 1. Response Completing an Incident Report - 2. Size-up Completing an Incident Report - 3. Operations ...
Purpose This article will guide you through the Information section of an Incident Report. Related Articles Completing an Incident Report - 1. Response Completing an Incident Report - 2. Size-up Completing an Incident Report - 3. Operations ...
Purpose This article will guide you through Completing and Authorizing an Incident Report. Related Articles Completing an Incident Report - Response Completing an Incident Report - Size-up Completing an Incident Report - People Involved Completing an ...