1. From within the Incident Report select on the Payroll Summary section.
For information on how to enable the Payroll Summary section in a Fire Incident report see this article:
Enabling Payroll Summary
2. To add personnel to the Payroll Summary select the +Add button.
3. From the Payroll Summary modal select the Personnel and enter other pertinent information then select Create.
4. From the Actions column you can edit, reset date and times or delete persons from the payroll summary.
5. If you wish to edit a persons payroll summary select on the pencil icon.
A payroll summary modal will populate of the person selected.
6. Select this icon if you wish to reset the date and time.
7. When selected a warning modal will populate to confirm or cancel the reset date and time.
8. Select on the trash can icon if you wish to delete that person.
9. When selected a warning modal will populate asking if you are sure to delete this record.
10. Utilizing the check boxes will enable the bulk actions.
Selecting the top check box will select all displayed personnel on the screen.
11. Select the trash can icon to bulk delete the selected personnel.
12. A warning modal will populate confirming if you wish to delete.
13. To reset date and time on selected personnel then select the reset icon.
14. A warning modal will display asking if you are sure you want to reset date and time.
15. Select on the Update icon to bulk update the selected personnel.
16. From the Payroll Mass Update modal select on which fields you wish to edit utilizing the dropdown list.
Select each field then select anywhere outside the box to apply those selected fields.
17. If utilizing the list view select which fields to edit then select apply.
18. Now a Payroll Summary modal will appear with all selected fields to manage then select Update.