1. Navigate to the Training Module and select Setup.
2. Select on the Objective category to import, add or edit any existing objectives.
3. Use the search fields to locate or narrow your list of specific objectives.
4. From the actions column you are able to activate/deactivate, edit or delete objectives.
Pencil Icon - edit objective.
Trash can Icon - will delete objectives only if it is not in use or associated to any class.
x - indicates objective is active to choose from when adding or editing a class.
NOTE: You can deactivate any objective by selecting on the x in the Actions column. To find deactivated objectives use the search field Is Active and set it to No. You are able to reactivate an objective by selecting on the check icon.
5. If you want to import existing objectives select on the Import Objectives button.
6. When importing objectives select on Choose File and select your file to import then select the Import button.
NOTE: It is best practice to download the sample spreadsheet to use as a template to ensure all fields import correctly.
7. Select Add Objective if you want to enter objectives independently.
8. Name is the only required field to Create a new objective from this modal.
From the modal you are able to:
- Associate this objective to Categories, Topics and Standards.
- Add YouTube links to this objective. This can be done by entering the URL, best practice is to copy and paste for accuracy. Add multiple YouTube links by selecting on the +.
- Give a description of this objective.
- Attach files to this objective.
9. Once you have entered all information for this objective select on Create.
If editing an existing objective then select Update.