Frequently Asked Questions - Training
Certificate Management
How do I upload a training certificate to a
personnel record?
For those with
the proper permissions to edit personnel should navigate to the personnel
module and from the personnel list filter to the person to edit. Select the pencil icon then navigate to
certifications tab. Locate which certificate to edit and select the pencil
icon, next you will be able to add attachments along with editing the issue or
expiration dates.
How do I bulk add a certification
to personnel?
From the training module's certifications tab, you can add a certification and select the users and expiration date you want the certification to apply to.
Managing Training Classes
do I add attendees to a class based on their shift, rank, or other criteria?
When selecting the add attendees’ button from
the attendee’s tab, use the top search dropdown to select the criteria you want
to view and add attendees by.
I want my training officers to be able to record
training for their team, but I do not want them to be able to make any adjustments
to the class name, objectives, and other criteria which do not change class to
you save a training class as a course, you can select the "limited edits
allowed" option, which allows users to make a copy of the training course as a new class but prevents them from modifying fields other than the
description, location, attendees, and start and end times.
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