Managing Certifications

Managing Certifications


  1. To explain how to manage an individual's certifications under Personnel Records. 


Navigating to Certifications

  1. Navigate to Personnel > Personnel List.

  1. From here, you are able to view all personnel in the department. 
  2. To update certifications, select the pencil  to the right.
    1. For this example, we will be updating Adam Leavitt's Certifications. 

  1. Next, we will select the Certifications sub menu from the list that appears on the left of the screen. 


  1. From here, we are able to:
    1. Add new certifications
    2. View current certifications
    3. Edit current certifications
    4. Delete current certifications

Adding New Certifications

  1. To add new certifications, select New Certifications from the top of the screen. 

  1. A window will pop-up, with the following fields:
    1. Certification
    2. Issued Date
    3. Expiration Date
    4. Attachments


  1. When choosing the Certification, you are able to:
    1. Select from the certifications that are currently listed under the Training Module. 
    2. Add a new certification type by selecting the plus sign .
NOTE: Adding a new certification in the Personnel Record will add the certification to the Training Module. 
  1. Selecting the plus sign changes the pop-up, adding:
    1. Certification ID-Can be short code (i.e. FF1), or the ID listed on the certification. 
    2. Certification Type

Issued Date and Expiration Date

  1. Next, type in the Issued Date of the certification. 
  2. If you are putting in a certification that has no expiration date (example: NIMS training), select the no end date checkbox.
NOTE: Required will still appear next to expiration date, however it is no longer required. 



  1. If you want to add attachments, click the section below attachments and a window will appear to find the file on your computer.
  2. Or drag and drop the file to the box


  1. When you have typed in the required information, select Save

  1. You should note a green box that appears confirming the certification saved, as well as the certification appearing in the list

Viewing Existing Certifications

  1. To view certifications, select the eye to the right .

  1. A pop-up will appear, showing you the certification log


  1. Every time the certification is updated, a new log will appear showing the updated with the Issued Date and Expiration Date
  2. You are able to delete log entries by selecting the trashcan  to the right.

  1. A pop-up will appear confirming you want to delete the log. 
    1. If you are sure, select delete. 

Editing Existing Certification

  1. To edit a existing certification, select the pencil to the right
  2. A similar pop-up of the one that you see when adding a certification to the individual will appear. 

  1. Update the fields that need updating, and select Save

Deleting Certifications

  1. To delete a certification from an individual's Personnel File, select the trashcan to the right .

  1. A pop-up will appear confirming you want to delete the selected certification. 
    1. If you are sure, select delete. 

  1. You can also bulk delete certifications. Select the checkmark to the left of the certifications you want to delete. 


  1. Then, select the trashcan at the top of the checkbox column. 


  1. A pop-up will appear confirming you want to delete the selected records. 
    1. If you are sure, select Delete. 


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