Frequently Asked Questions - Hydrants
How do you move or relocate a hydrant?
From the Pre-Planning module navigate to Pre-Plans map then locate and select on the hydrant you wish to edit or relocate. Now if using the web select on the hydrant and hold down on left mouse to move, if using the mobile app hold finger on hydrant to relocate. Remember to always select update to save changes.
Is there a way to change the hydrant type?
There are multiple options to change the Hydrant type:
- Navigate to Hydrant List and select the pencil icon next to the hydrant to edit, from the details page within the Type dropdown select what type of water source to indicate. Remember to select save at the bottom of the page.
- When editing a Hydrant from the Pre-Plans map use the Type dropdown to select which water source to indicate and remember to select update to save any changes.
- When creating or editing a service checklist include Hydrant Type from the Response Type. This will then create a question when preforming a checklist that will change the hydrant type.
How do you mark a hydrant in service or out of service?
There are a few options to how you can indicate a hydrant in or out of service.
- When editing a hydrant either from the Hydrant List or Pre-Plans map near the bottom of the page there is a Hydrant Status dropdown that will allow you to change the status.
- When creating or editing a service checklist include a question and select Status from the Response dropdown. This will then change the status of the hydrant when completing a service check.
How can I notify users that a hydrant has been placed in or out of service?
Automatic email notifications for hydrant status changes can be enabled in Hydrant Setup. Simply click on "Notify Service Changes" and list the users that should receive emails.
Hydrant List
How to track when a hydrant has been serviced or flowed?
Navigate to the Hydrant List and using the search fields along with what columns to display you are able to sort last serviced or last flowed then create a saved view.
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