To help navigate the ways in which you can edit the Hydrant type to be indicated on the map.
1. Navigate to Pre-Planning and select Pre-Plans Map.
2. Select which Hydrant then select Edit.
3. From the Type (required) dropdown choose what water source to be represented.
4. Once Type is selected click Update to save changes.
Option 2
1. Navigate to Hydrants and select Hydrant List.
2. Using the search fields to locate the Hydrant to edit then select the pencil icon.
3. From the Type (required) dropdown choose what water source to be represented.
4. Select Save to complete changes.
Option 3
1. When creating or editing a Hydrant Service Checklist you can choose in the Response Type dropdown Hydrant Type.
2. When completing a Hydrant Service Check users can then select what type of Hydrant.
New Hydrant type is now represented on the map.