Release Notes - January 2024

Release Notes - January 2024


  1. Current Version:
    1. iOS: 5.5.1
      1. Enhanced unit list visualization.
      2. NFIRS id information added to dispatch details view.
      3. Enhanced the "last position known" unit tracking timestamp to be more easily identified. 
    2. Android: 6.6.3
      1. Fixes and Enhancements related to notification handling.


  1. Enhancements:
    1. New Funding Source Added
      1. "Relief" has been added as a funding source within Apparatus and Equipment records.
    2. Compartment / Storage / Pouch Redesign
      1. With the new design, compartment / Storage / Pouch design has been split into 4 tabs:
        1. General Info
        2. Assigned Inventory
        3. Assigned Equipment
        4. Assigned Kits 
      2. Users can now add images to individual compartments / storages / pouches.
      3. Users can now track multiple expiration dates on inventory items.
      4. Read the full updated Knowledge Base Article: Creating and Managing the Contents of Compartments, Storages, and Pouches

Community Connect

  1. New Features
    1. Request Inspections through the CC Portal
      1. Similar to Permit requests, CC/HH users can now request inspections through their Community Connect Portal.
      2. New "Community Connect" tab within each Inspection Type allows First Due users to make an inspection type available for request.
      3. Decide which users or teams will be notified when an inspection of each type is requested.
      4. When a request is initiated from the Portal, the following inspection details will be created:
        1. *Request Number* NEW: autogenerated unique number to identify which inspections are generated through a portal request, as regularly scheduled inspections do not have an Inspection Number.
        2. Assigned to = Empty
        3. Schedule to = Will Call
        4. Status = Scheduled
        5. Adds the CC/HH user as an occupancy contact if not already part of the occupancy.
      5. The CC/HH user will receive email confirmation of the request, and will receive an additional email when the date and time of the inspection are set. 

Fire Prevention

  1. New Features
    1. Inspections - Custom Response
      1. New checklist response type: Custom Response.
      2. Users can now create custom responses to inspection checklist items and link them to the standard response types.
      3. This allows users to use the inspection vocabulary of their choice while defining the resulting behavior in the module.
        1. For example, a custom response of "out of compliance" linked to the "fail" standard response will trigger a reinspection and violation tracking.
        2. The Custom Response name will be visible while conducting an inspection as well as the inspection report.

    1. Inspections - Reopen a completed Inspection
      1. Users can now reopen a completed inspection (or reinspection) from the Inspection List or My Inspections.
      2. *New Permission: "Fire Inspection - Reopen Completed Inspection" (Fire Prevention Bucket)
      3. Requirements to reopen an inspection:
        1. Inspection must be completed.
        2. No completed, submitted, or in-progress re-inspections are associated with the selected inspection. If this is the case, the user must delete any future reinspections.

      1. After meeting reopening requirements, the user is required to provide a reason. The system will capture the user, reason, and date/time an inspection is reopened.

      1. The completed inspection will be archived, a new inspection is created in its place to capture changes in the reopened version. This allows First Due Support to revert back to the original inspection results if needed. Only the most recent version will be visible in the lists and any reports.
      2. Once the inspection is reopened, the status changes back to "in-progress" and a RE-OPEN indicator is displayed at the top of the page.

      1. In a reopened inspection, the user is limited to editing the following fields:
        1. Checklist items
        2. Attachments
        3. Inspection Type
        4. Schedule Type
        5. Scheduled At
        6. Time
        7. Shift
        8. Assigned To
        9. Inspection Contact
          1. Only limited edits allowed to inspection contacts to avoid concurrency issues with the pre-plan.
        10. Fire Station
        11. Notes
        12. Signature
      2. Occupancy and Pre-plan information cannot be updated in a reopened inspection. Users should make those changes from the Occupancy Record.

    1. Occupancy Data - Needed Fire Flow Fields and Calculator
      1. New "Calculate NFF" button will auto-calculate the Needed Fire Flow when appropriate fields are documented.
      2. The NFF is based on the International Fire Code Appendix B and NFPA 1 Chapter 18, which uses Construction Type, square footage, and the presence of a sprinkler system to calculate a value in GPM. This feature has an ability to increase the NFF based on Fuel Load and Exposures.
      3. Construction type, floors above grade, and sprinkler system fields in the "Needed Fire Flow" section MUST be filled out to perform the calculation.
      4. New Permission: "Calculate Needed Fire Flow - Button" in the Pre-Planning Bucket will display the calculator for selected users.
      5. For step-by-step instructions and reference material related to the Fire Flow Calculator, see this article: Calculate Needed Fire Flow

  1. Enhancements:
    1. Field Management - Display Occupancy Record Section and Filter by Section

    1. Inspection & Permit Form Builders
      1. Inspector data fields added to signature tag:
        1. Inspector Badge Number
        2. Inspector Firefighter ID
        3. Inspector Number
        4. Inspector Designation
      2. New Date and Time formats for "Completed At" and "Completed Time".

    1. Occupancy Data - Summary Occupancy Card
      1. The summary occupancy card for parent occupancies will now display any child addresses and business names.
    2. New Vendor Types
      1. The following Vendor Types can now be used when creating or editing vendors:
        1. Apparatus
        2. Business   
        3. Equipment
        4. Equipment - EMS
        5. Equipment - Fire
        6. Fire
        7. Legal
        8. Other
        9. Property - Owner
        10. Property -  Landlord
        11. Property - Management
        12. Services - Emergency
        13. Services - General
        14. Services - Government
        15. Services - Professional
        16. Supplier - EMS
        17. Supplier - Fire
        18. Supplier
        19. Vehicle Repair

Incident Documentation

  1. Enhancements:
    1. NFIRS Setup - Mutual Aid Reorganization 
      1. Departments that provide and give mutual aid are listed as grid items in the new table layout.
      2. Actions: Add as favorite, Edit, and Delete
        1. Clicking on the "star" icon will float that aiding department to the top of the list page as well as the NFIRS form itself. All other departments are shown in Alphabetical Order.

    1. Payroll Summary now Displays All Columns
      1. A horizontal scroll feature has also been added to the Payroll Summary grid.

    1. Print - Include Dispatch Notes
      1. Users can now choose to include Dispatch Notes when printing an incident report. The option in the Report Options dropdown within the print view.

    1. Preplan -> NFIRS Additions
      1. Additional fields are now integrated into the NFIRS report for an incident occurring at a location with populated occupancy record fields.

    2. Bulk Authorization Increase
      1. Users can now select up to 100 pending reports for bulk authorization. 
    3. Ontario - Station Response Grid Added to OFM Form
    4. Alberta and Ontario - Concurrent Users Feature
      1. Users are now prevented from entering the same record at the same time, preventing data loss.
      2. System administrators can set the timeout threshold in Canadian Fire Setup to avoid unnecessary locking of a report due to inactivity.


  1. New Feature:
    1. EMS QA/QI
      1. EMS QA/QI is live for all departments using the ePCR Module!
      2. Check out helpful articles for this new feature here: EMS QA/QI


  1. Enhancements:
    1. Bulk Update Hydrant Fields
      1. Users can now update fields on more than one hydrant at a time.
      2. Fields available for Bulk Update:
        1. Fire Zone
        2. Hydrant Zone
        3. Fire Station
        4. Apparatus
        5. Shift
        6. Assigned User

    1. Create a Hydrant Work Order From Anywhere
      1. Users can now create a hydrant work order from multiple places:
        1. Popup of an individual hydrant from the Pre-plan map, responder view, or hydrant list map.
        2. Actions Column within Hydrant List
        3. Inside a hydrant service.


    1. Work Order Visibility
      1. Hydrant work orders are now displayed in each hydrant's service history.


  1. Enhancements:
    1. Persons Involved - New Type
      1. New option, "Person of Interest" is available for type of involvement.
    2. Statements for all Person Involved Types
      1. Statements can be documented on any person involved, regardless of type.
    3. Statements added to Form Builder
      1. Statements from People Involved are now available to be included in the printed Investigation Form.
      2. People Involved Types  "Witness", "Injured", or "Owner" can be included. 


  1. Enhancements:
    1. Updated Mobile Device View for Medication Count
      1. The "Count" function has been redesigned for mobile device users for easier navigation. The process retains the same functionalities as performing a count from a laptop/desktop. 


  1. Enhancements:
    1. Updated Zoom Level Range & Descriptions
      1. Zoom Levels are now represented on a scale of 1-12  for a more straightforward sequence.
      2. Each Zoom level is now accompanied by a descriptive text for easier perception and clearer understanding of map visibility.
      3. These changes apply to the Visible Zoom Level for Preplan Units, PrePlan HAZMAT, and Preplan Annotations, with the following ranges:
        1. Annotations: Range from 1 (Country) to 12 (Rooms)
        2. Units & HAZMAT: Range from 8 (Street)


  1. Enhancements:
    1. Call Shifts - New Main Screen
      1. Clicking on the "Call Shifts" section of the Module Stack will  now take the user to the Call Shifts history page. 
      2. The History page now allows users to filter and sort call shifts, as well as download the list.
      3. View the ranking lists by clicking on the "Rankings" tab.
      4. Initiate a new call shift by clicking on "New Call Shift" in the top left corner.

      1. Three new columns have been added:
        1. Call Shift ID: Unique identifier for each call shift created.
        2. Assignment: Will include the assignment if the call shift is tied directly to an assignment from the shift board.
        3. Messages: Displays the message sent to all candidates.
      2. Click on the "eye" icon to view call shift details
        1. A new tab labeled "Notes" has been added to the call shift header. Notes can only be edited or deleted by the user to created them.
        2. Inside call shift details, users can filter by name, email, status, and charge status (charged vs uncharged hours).

    1. Stop an Active Call Shift
      1. Users can now cancel an active call shift.
      2. Pressing the stop button will:
        1. Change the call shift status to "cancelled".
        2. Change each user status to "cancelled".
        3. Change each user's charge status to "uncharged".
        4. If cancelled, no manual action is allowed on the call shift.

    1. Call Shift Acceptance Logic - Only Accept During a User's "Turn"
      1. This new toggle option exists in Setup -> Call Shift Rules -> Settings and is only visible if the candidate method is OFF.
      2. If this setting is enabled, contacted users can only answer (accept/deny) during their designated "wait time" as the shift moves down the contactable employees on the ranking list.

    1. Call Shifts - Show Original Ranking Position
      1. In the History page for each call shift, a new column has been added: "Original Ranking Position."
      2. This column will display the ranking position each member was in prior to any movement up or down the ranking list based off action on the call shift.

    1. Shift Board - Assignment Notes
      1. Notes can now be added under each assignment for the day.
      2. Click on the ellipsis in the upper right corner of each assignment to add a note.
      3. Associated Permissions:
        1. View Notes: Scheduling - Access Shiftboard
        2. Edit Notes: Scheduling - Shift Board - Edit Notes

    1. Scheduling Deputy - Added Information to Time Off Area
      1. Time off area now displays the assignment and required qualifier a person was filling prior to being placed in time off.

    1. Short Code for Subtypes
      1. System administrators now have the ability to add short codes to both Work and Time Off Subtypes.
    2. New Recurrence Rules
      1. The following rotations have been added to the system


  1. New Feature
    1. Grouping for Ad-Hoc Tabular Reports
      1. The Grouping tab is now available for tabular reports.
      2. Groups can be nested up to three levels.
      3. Drag and drop selected columns into the grouping order.

  1. Enhancements:
    1. Send Scheduled Ad-Hoc Reports as PDF
      1. Users can now decide if a scheduled report will email a .csv file or .pdf
      2. Note: PDF reports will include up to 2,000 rows
    1. Ad-Hoc - ePCR Reports
      1. New NEMSIS 3.5.0 disposition fields added:
        1. Unit Disposition - eDisposition.27
        2. Patient Evaluation/Care - eDisposition.28
        3. Crew Disposition - eDisposition.29
        4. Transport Disposition - eDisposition.30
        5. Reason for Refusal/Release - eDisposition.31
    1. Ad-Hoc - Fluid Log Added
      1. Fluid log information is available as a "child" under the "Apparatus" Data Source.
    2. Ad-Hoc - Scheduling
      1. The following name configurations have been added under "Scheduling" & "All Scheduling Data" sources:
        1. Last, First
        2. Last, First Middle
        3. Last, First MI 
    3. Canned Reports - Incidents - Unit Turnout Time Compliance
      1. Added Station, Response Zone, and Fire Zone as columns and filters.
      2. Removed decimals for Turnout Time.
      3. Incident Type, Dispatch Incident Type, Address columns are now pulled from NFIRS reports instead of dispatch information.
    4. New First Due Reports (FDR)
      1. NFIRS:
        1. FDR-NFIRS-[011-013]: Count of Incidents by Apparatus
        2. FDR-NFIRS-[006-010]: Detailed Incident Type Breakdown
        3. FDR-NFIRS-[051-054]: Apparatus Call Time and Utilization
        4. FDR-NFIRS-091: Esri Fire Incident Dashboard, Last Month
For more information and full report descriptions, see related article: First Due Reports (FDR)


  1. Enhancement:
    1. Bulk Complete Objectives for some or all Attendees
      1. From the attendees page, users can now complete specific objectives in bulk for selected attendees.

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