1. Begin by navigating to the Medications module and selecting Dashboard.
2. To populate any Counts or Usage use the Select Locations dropdown then select from your agencies kits or supplies.
3. From the Locations selected you can now view any DUE counts along with the ability to begin a count by selecting the Start Count button.
4. Also from the Locations selected you are able to view any completed Counts.
Pending your permissions by selecting the Eye icon in the Actions column will direct you to the Medication Log to view the count in more detail.
5. From within the Usage you are able to document medication usage or view any medication usages.
6. You can document medication usage by selecting the +Usage button.
7. From the Usage modal select what location the medication was used from then complete the rest of the medication usage.
8. Pending permissions you are able to view medication usages by selecting the Eye icon within the Actions column.