To demonstrate using the "Count" function to check-off a Med Kit or the Med Supply.
1. Inside the Medications module, navigate to Med Kits or Med Supply.
2. If in Med Kits, select which kit to count then select the "Count" button.
3. If the med kit is secured with seals, the user will have to enter the seal number then select the plus symbol.
Suggestion: The seal number is visible in background. Administrators may want to manage which users can see seal numbers during med counts. The ability to hide/show seal numbers is tied to the permission"Meds - View Seal Numbers"
4. Click "Save" to save the seal # and enter the count. Prior to saving, users can edit the number by selecting the tag symbol and/or send a report.
5. If the seal number/s match a green check will appear and the user can either sign and complete the check or break the seal and perform a count.
6. If seal numbers do not match previous then user will have to "Break and Count" before signing and completing the check.
7. Users can edit information regarding non-controlled substances while inside a count, as well as mark each medication as pass/fail.
Info: With a non controlled substance the Expiration Date, Lot Number and Quantity can all be edited.
Important: Controlled Substances cannot be edited.
8. When performing a count on a controlled substance, only pass/fail buttons will be available.
9. Select either Save as Draft or Seal and Sign.
Important: If a seal was broken to complete the check, new tag numbers must be entered before signing.
10. Obtain signatures then select save.
11. If obtaining signature from outside your agency, additional fields appear ahead of the signature.
Purpose To demonstrate using the "Count" function to check-off a Med Kit or the Med Supply. Video Directions 1. Inside the Medications module, navigate to Med Kits or Med Supply. 2. If in Med Kits, select which kit to count then select the "Count" ...
Purpose To explain the settings tab within the medications module. Video Directions 1. Navigate to the Medications module. 2. Click on Setup. 3. Click on Settings. 4. Click on Requires Count to require a medication count to be performed, 5. Click on ...
Purpose To demonstrate how to add a new Med Kit within Medications. Video Directions 1. Navigate to Medications module then click on Med Kit List. 2. Click on + Med Kit to create or add a Med Kit. 3. Fill in Required Fields: Kit Name and ID. 4. Now ...
Purpose To explain how to document medication usage in the medication module. Video Directions 1. Begin by navigating to the Medications module then selecting either Med Kits or Dashboard. 2. If documenting from the Med Kits, select on a kit from ...
Purpose The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how to create or manage pouches within Medication Kits. Video Directions 1. Lets begin by navigating to the Medications module then select on Med Kit List. 2. To manage or create new pouches ...