Frequently Asked Questions - Pre-Planning

Frequently Asked Questions - Pre-Planning

I want to ensure standardization of Pre-Planning in my jurisdiction. Are there items that can help me with this?

Standardization of pre-plans is essential in making sure that the responders are able to get the information that they need quickly and easily.  First Due has a catalog of SOPs and SOG's that First Due clients have allowed us to make available to departments looking for help.  These documents can be found here: Sample SOP's and SOG's

How do I find the pre-pans to assign to Users or Teams?

By using the Pre-Plan Organizer in the Pre-Planning Module, the Pre-Plan Manager can very easily search for occupancies based on address, whether it is marked as a target hazard or not, the status of the pre-plan, the user or team the pre-plan is assigned to, the due date and many other choices.  Once the occupancy or occupancies are found, the pre-plan manager can assign, change the cycle and/or due date individually or as a bulk assignment.  Specific instructions are detailed here: Pre-Planning Module: Assigning, Completing and Administrating Preplans

How do I create a review process for pre-plans before they are published?

The first step is to modify the role of the user group that you wish to review the preplan for by ensuring that Pre-Plans - Publish in the Pre-Planning permissions bucket is deselected.

This will change the "Publish" button to a "Submit" button for the users in that Role.

By following the instructions detailed below, the administrator can then review the Submitted preplans and Accept/Publish or Reject them along with comments or feedback.

How do I manage the pre-plan units/icons?

To help standardize your municipalities pre-plans, administrators can limit the pre-plan units that are available for use.  Those users with the the correct permissions can go to Pre-Planning -> Pre-Plan Unit Types to activate or deactivate individual units.  Units are activated by selecting the Check Mark and deactivated by selecting the X.

If you do not see a unit representing an item you want to indicate in your pre-plans, ask your CSM or IM to check the First Due library of Pre-Plan Units.  If an acceptable Unit cannot be located, see this Knowledge Base Article on how to create a custom pre-plan unit: Managing Pre-Plan Unit Types

I am pre-planning a large building divided into three separate addresses. How do I pre-plan items like a Fire Department Connection or Alarm Systems that cover the three addresses without crowding the map with multiple pre-plan units?

To ensure that critical items like FDC's, Alarm Systems and Lock Boxes populate on the Dashboard of all affected addresses while keeping your preplan neat and clean, use unmapped items. 

To do this, access the preplan for one of the addresses.  Map the preplan units as you typically would by placing the icon on the structure/map and adding all the necessary descriptions and fields.  For the other two addresses, select the Pre-Plan Unit menu on the top left of the screen and then select Add New:

From the dropdown list, select the "duplicate" Pre-Plan unit you wish to add, fill in the necessary supplemental fields and select Add. Once that is done, the unit will appear in the lower left of the map screen in Unmapped Items.

Finally, do that with all of the remaining items that are duplicated.  Now, the map screen will only have one of of pre-plan unit type on the map, but the unit icon will display on the map and the information will be available on the Dashboard for all of the addresses you placed the pre-plan unit, whether mapped or unmapped.

The address I am trying to pre-plan does not have an occupancy marker.  How do I create one?

Before creating a new occupancy or sub-occupancy marker, ensure it truly does not exist by searching and checking the Pre-Plan Organizer, making sure to search with "Show Secondary Addresses" enabled in the Advanced Search. If the occupancy truly does not exist, continue by following the steps in this Knowledge Base Article: Managing Occupancy Markers or Address Points

Is there a way to move an occupancy marker?

First, the user must have the permission Pre-Planning > Places - Move Pin Location active in the Role.  The user then edits the preplan as normal and simply drags the occupancy marker to the correct location on the map before selecting "Publish".

How do I update the mapping images on Responder and Pre-Plan views?

Since First Due utilizes Google satellite images, areas that have undergone changes (new construction/developments) will require Google to update their imagery. In some cases, ArcGIS images can be more accurate and hold better image quality than Google – so be sure to switch between views to find the best option for your agency.  Also – First Due allows you to upload alternative base maps so if your agency has access to higher quality maps, we can help to determine if those can be uploaded into your account.

Some of the buttons for pre-planning are no longer visible on my screen. Where did they go?

Make sure that you are viewing the page in the correct “view”. Preplanning View and Responder View look similar but do not have the same set of available tools.  You can look at the left side module menu to check which view is highlighted and swap when needed.  

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