To demonstrate the functionality of the Pre-Plan Unit types tab within the Pre-Planning Module.
1. Navigate to the Pre-Planning module and then to Pre-Plan Unit Types.
2. Use the search features to find the desired unit type to manage.
3. Enable/Disable the unit type. Use the Checkmark to enable a Pre-Plan Unit Type that is current disabled or use the 'X' to disable a currently abled Pre-Plan Unit Type
First due has almost 200 Pre-Plan Unit Types that
are supplied by default. It is recommended that in accordance with your
departments SOPs, SOGs, or Policies and Procedures that the list of available Pre-Plan Units to end
users is pared down. This will help in ensuring the consistency of Pre-Plan documentation as well as streamline the Pre-Planning creation process.
4. To create a custom unit, click on New Pre-Plan Unit Type.
5. In the New Pre-Plan Unit Type pop-up:
5A. Assign a name for the Unit
5B. Choose an Icon for the Pre-Plan Unit
Only PNG, JPG, and GIF formats are Supported for custom Pre-Plan Unit Icons. The max file size in 64MB.
6. If desired, select a background color.
7. Select whether to include this custom unit as a dashboard alert tile. And Select Create.
9. The custom icon is now visible in the Pre-plan Unit Types list.
10. It is also available in the Pre-Plan Units list when editing a Pre-Plan.
Purpose Demonstrate how to manage, add and delete attachments to a Pre-Plan. Video Managing Attachments to a Pre-Plan. 1. Access the desired Pre-plan to edit. 2. Once in edit mode for a Pre-Plan, select the Attachments Tab. 3. The attachments can be ...
Purpose To provide an overview of navigation and actions available from the Pre-Plans Map. Video Directions 1. Click on Pre-Plans Map via the Pre-Planning Module. 2. Primary occupancies, ground level units & annotations, and hydrants will be visible ...
Purpose To explain the role that Units play in creating an effective pre-plan, and how to select, place and modify them. Video What are Units? Units are items placed in a pre-plan to indicate fire and life safety elements of a building relevant ...
Purpose To explain the process for importing pre-plan attachments into First Due. Video Steps Ensure pre-plans are in PDF format and there is only one address or sub/secondary address per file. Ensure the file names follow this format: If your agency ...
Purpose To provide an overview of navigation and available actions within the Pre-Plan List. Video Directions 1. Navigate to Pre-Plan List via the Pre-Planning Module. 2. The list will show all occupancies in the system that have pre-plan information ...