Frequently Asked Questions - Permits
FAQ's - Permits
Question: Why does the permit list have an orange exclamation mark on some of the permits?
Answer: The orange exclamation point is a visual indicator that 1) data for the Occupancy has been updated since the permit was issued and/or 2) the Contacts list was updated since the Permit was issued.
Question: How do I approve multiple permits that were added during the inspection without having to edit them individually by going from the inspection to the edit permit area multiple times?
Answer: Activate an option by going to the Website>Inspections>Inspection Setup>System Options area make sure that this option is active “When adding a new permit, take the user to the "Edit Permit" screen.”
Question: How do I add custom data fields for permits?
Answer: From the website navigate to Permits>Permit Types>{Edit or create a new permit type]>click “Custom Data Fields”, click the “Add Custom Data Field” button and enter the field title, question, and the field type. The field title is used when adding the custom data field to the permit form. The question is what is displayed during the permit process. The Field Type allows you to use free text, multi select, numeric, or single select questions.
Answer: First make sure that, you have added the appropriate custom data fields to the permit type then navigate to Permits>Form Builder List[Edit a permit form or create a new form], move your cursor to the left side of the form and use the “add” option (Plus sign) to add either “Text” or “Table”, which both support the custom data fields. After adding text or table click the “tune” option to “Add Custom Data Field” (double T) which will bring up the “Select Custom Data Field” window where you can choose the field title that you added to the permit type. The list will be grouped by permit types (in bold) and the field titles for that permit type will be selectable. Important: Make sure you pick the field title that goes with the permit type you are creating a form for or else it won’t show what you expect to see when viewing the permit form.
Question: How do I issue a permit for only one day with a start and end time?
Answer: Create a new permit type for that activity and set the “Duration to “0” (zero); under the Custom Data Fields, add a field for “Start Time” and a separate field for “End Time” - Save Permit Type. Your next step is to add the Start and End Time fields to the permit form. Make sure you associate the correct permit form with the Permit Type. When you create a New Permit for only one day, ensure that the duration is “0” (zero) days and the date field is blank - Add the times in the time fields and save the new permit.
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