1. From within a Fire Incident report navigate to the People Involved section.
2. From the General Info tab the Involved Person is automatically in the on position. Here you are able to gather any pertinent information.
3. If the person was a civilian and sustained injury or death you will need to slide "EMS Patient" to "on". To document civilian casualties select on the Casualty tab, this will only appear for fire-related incident types 100-199.
NOTE: With EMS Patient enabled Age and Gender now are required fields in the general information.
4. Complete the Civilian Casualty section.
Notice: Severity is a required field.
5. Once completed select the save icon and you will notice that person will populate in the left column with the blue star of life indicating a civilian casualty.
6. To add any additional people either involved or casualty select the Add People Involved and repeat the above process.