There are a few permissions that can be enabled to complete or submit training classes, they are found by navigating to the Admin module then selecting a role to edit permissions.
From the training bucket look for either of these permissions.
- Training - Update Class: This allows personnel to submit a training class and puts it in the pending approval status.
- Training - Complete Class: This allows personnel to complete a class or mark a completed class as incomplete.
Bulk Completing Classes.
1. From the Training Classes within the Training module use the advance search fields to filter your list.
For those with permission to complete classes filter by Class status to pending approval.
2. If filtered to Pending Approval, once one or more classes are selected, you can then bulk complete those selected by selecting the double check button.
Completing a class from the Actions column.
1. Select on the pencil icon next to the class in which you want to edit or complete.
Note: In the example I have selected a class in which all attendees have not completed the class.
2. From within the class selected you are able to select the Complete button.
If all attendees have not completed all objectives a Proceed Anyways warning appears.
3. If attendees have completed all objectives a notification appears that the class was completed successfully and will put the class in the completed status.
4. If attendees have not completed all objectives this warning populates and selecting Proceed Anyways will mark all the attendees objectives as completed and put the training class in the completed status.
Managing individual objectives before completing a class.
1. You are able to bulk complete objectives by selecting the check box next to the attendee then select the double check.
2. Using the dropdown select what objectives you want to complete.
Once objectives are selected select the Complete Objectives button.
3. Selecting the pencil icon from the Actions column allows you to edit an individuals completion of objectives.
4. From the modal you are able to complete all objectives, complete each objective separately or remove that objective if they did not complete it, then select Save.
5. The completion column now reflects the objectives completed.
Repeat the process for the remainder of the class attendees.
6. Once all attendees objectives have been edited you can now select complete.
7. If you only have the permission to update training classes you will see a submit button rather that Complete. In this case this will put the class in pending approval status.