- What: Instructor Name and Type was moved to the Attendee tab. Instructor Hours was added in the even they are different. Instructors can also be added as an Attendee to track additional hour types.
- Why: Instructor Hours needed to be tracked in different formats than Attendee Hours.
- How: Training > Training Classes > Add Class > Attendee Tab
- Use Case: This helps the user to track the hours differently for an Instructor.
3. User Certification Upload via Import Wizard
What: Ability to bulk upload certifications and their associated objectives
Why: Departments with data outside of the system now have an efficient manner in which to upload bulk certifications and associated users into the system
How: A new option named "Training Certification User" under the "Import Wizard" has been added to Admin tab.
Use Case: Utilizing the Import Wizard departments will be able to upload multiple certifications at once.
The fields of the CSV to be uploaded are as follows:
-Certificate (Certificate Name)
-Issued By (issuer email)
-Issued To (User email)
-Issue Date
-Expiration Date
4. Training Hierarchy
What: Structured hierarchy relationship between categories, topics and objectives
Why: Gives a clear visual of the category, topic and objective, improves organization and navigation
How: Training > Setup > Categories
Use Case: Training Officers can now see the association across all areas captured within a class.
New Features:
1. External Instructor Management
What: Ability to manage the status of external instructors in one centralized location.
Why: Allows departments to maintain a list of external instructors as well as associated status.
How: Training > Setup > External Instructors
Use Case: External Instructor can become regulars at our agency. Keeping a list of external instructors gives you the ability to choose those frequently utilized external instructors from a list when creating a new class.
2. Associated Apparatus Dropdown
What: Ability to associate multiple associated apparatus to training classes.
Why: Training Classes can have multiple associated apparatus that need to be tracked within the training class.
How: Training > Training Classes > Action: Add Class
Use Case: When creating a training class Training Officers can now associate multiple apparatus to a single class.