Pre-Plans: Pre-Plan Organizer Overview

Pre-Plans: Pre-Plan Organizer Overview


  1. To provide a general overview of the Pre-Plan Organizer section.

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1. Navigate to Pre-Plan Organizer via the Pre-Planning Module.

2. When accessed, the Pre-Plan organizer will default to display the Pre-plans with the following filters:
  1. Address Status--Active 
  2. Shared Location--Yes
  3. Show Secondary Places--Yes

3. Search for a specific address using the search bar.
The search bar is capable of a fuzzy or partial search of the Address and the Business Name.

4. To refine the search, select EDIT and then down caret to display all the search and filter options.

5.  After a search has been customized it can be saved by Selecting the Disk Icon and entering a Name for the new Search. The Saved Search will then appear in the Saved Search List.

6.  The list of Pre-Plans can also be shown in a Map View by selecting the Map Icon in the top right corner of the webpage.

7. There are 9 columns that are displayed by default but an additional 21 Columns can be chosen to be displayed.

8. Columns can be rearranged, resized and reordered in ascending, descending and default order.

9.  The Address listed in the Address or the Parent/Child column has a hyperlink that will open the Occupancy Record for that specific address.

10.  The Pencil Icon in the Parent/Child column allows the user to edit the Parent/Child relationship of the occupancy.

11.  The Assigned Member or Team can be changed by selcting the Pencil Icon in the Assigned Member/Team column.

12.  The review cycle can be edited by selecting the Pencil Icon. The Plus Icon can be chosen to initiate a cycle of review for the Pre-Plan.

13.  The Due Date can be changed manually by selecting the Pencil Icon.

14.  The Occupancy can be Marked or Un-Marked as a Target Hazard by toggling the radio button.

15.  The Address Status can be edited by selecting the Pencil Icon and changed between Active and Inactive.

16.  Select the check mark icon to publish any pre-plan in "Draft" or "Pending Approval" status.

17.  Select the 'X'  icon to Reject any pre-plan in "Draft" or "Pending Approval" status.

18. Select the Pencil icon to review any pre-plan in "Draft" or "Pending Approval" status or to Edit a Pre-plan.

19.  Select the Clock Icon to review the history of actions taken on this Pre-Plan.

20.  Select the Print Icon to print the Occupancy Record

21.  Select the Notes icon to review any of the Feedback added during the Approval or Rejection process.

22. Select the Label Icon to show or Hide the Alert Tiles for each occupancy.

24.  The Bulk Action button is activated by selecting one or more of the Pre-Plans in the list.

25.  Bulk Action allows the User to perform the following actions on multiple Pre-Plans simultaneously:
  1. Mark or Unmark as a Target Hazard.
  2. Assign the preplan to a User or Team.
  3. Change the Due Date.
  4. Change the Cycle.
  5. Print.
  6. Show or Hide the Alert Tiles.

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