Call Shift Settings Overview

Call Shift Settings Overview


  1. To give a overview on Call Shift settings. 



1. Click on Scheduling > Setup.

2. Click on Call Shift Rules.

Click on Call Shift Rules.

3. Click on Settings.

Click on Settings.

4. Here you can:
  • Toggle on or off the candidate method.
  • Toggle on the ability to manually charge call shifts.
    • This will allow you to be able to manually charge or 'award' hours to one, or multiple individuals.
  • Set a default deadline.
    • Start of Shift
    • X Hours/Minutes before Shift
    • X Hours/Minutes after Call Shift starts (sent out)
  • Set a default start time.
  • Set a default call shift work type.
  • Toggle on or off Auto Hired if Signed Up.

5. When the Candidate Method is toggled on you will notice some fields disappear, and some appear. 
  • Only Allow For Manual Awarding will appear.
    • This field, when enabled, will not award the call shift at the deadline, but will allow for a administrator to award the call shift to the appropriate candidate.
  • When Allow Manual Charging is selected, Only Charge Above Accepting Users will also appear.
    • This option allows for individuals to be charged above the last accepting user. 
  • Wait Time will disappear.
    • Wait time is not a option when utilizing the candidate method.
Click Save when done.

When the Candidate Method is toggled on you will notice some fields disappear, and some appear.

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