To explain the Call Shift Notification Options within the setup menu.
These notifications allow you to receive updates on Call Shifts. These updates can include:
When a Call Shift is filled or not filled
When a Call Shift is Ready for Awarding
1. Click on Scheduling > Setup.
2. Click on Call Shift Rules.
3. Click on Settings.
4. At the bottom, you will see Notification Options.
Here you can determine how and who will receive notifications when the call shift is filled or not filled.
5. Both SMS and Email have the same fields, we will look at the SMS fields.
Call Shift Initiator will send a notification only to the person who initiated the Call Shift.
Anyone who can initiate a call shift will send a notification to the users selected.
Notify on-duty will notify an employee with a qualifier of and/or an employee working on for that particular day.
6. Match notification settings when turned on will allow you to match the SMS and Email notifications settings so that you don't have to set both if you want them to be the same.
7. Simply select the settings you want to match and click save.
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Purpose To give a overview on Call Shift settings. Video Directions 1. Click on Scheduling > Setup. 2. Click on Call Shift Rules. 3. Click on Settings. 4. Here you can: Toggle on or off the candidate method. Toggle on the ability to manually charge ...
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Purpose To explain how to manually adjust call shift rankings. Video Directions 1. Click on Scheduling> Call Shifts. 2. Click on Ranking. 3. This qualifier is set up to show a rotating or seniority based list. To manually adjust a individual, select ...