Fire Incident Setup - Form

Fire Incident Setup - Form


  1. To explain the form builder function within Fire Incident setup.

Related Articles

  1. Print or Email a Fire Incident (NFIRS Report)



1. Navigate to Fire Incident Setup via the Incident Documentation Module.

Navigate to NFIRS Setup via the Incident Documentation Module.

2. Click on Form.

Click on Form.

3.  Build the Fire Incident form.

  1.       1. Header Type: Choose between Logo+text or using an image as the form header (example shown below). Typically, departmental letterhead or contact information goes here.
  2.       2. Upload Image: Upload an image from your device. The image will populate in the header section as shown below.
  3.       3. Header information: Free text box that will appear between the header and report content. 
  4.       4. Report Content: Automatically generated during completion of an NFIRS report in the Fire Incident List.

 4. Click on Save.

Click on Save.

5. To check your work, print preview an NFIRS report in the Fire Incident List.

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