Mobile and Web Response: Firefighter/Unit Statusing

Mobile and Web Response: Firefighter/Unit Statusing


  1. To explain how to set up and utilize Firefighter/Unit Statusing through the Mobile App and Web Responder V2. 

NOTE: Statusing provides tracking on the Mobile App and Web Responder and times for First Due NFIRS reports only.  Any status change updates performed in First Due do not populate to the agency CAD.

IMPORTANT: In an account with Firefighter statusing enabled, the account administrators can remove the status buttons for any Role of Users by deselecting Allow to Respond to Incidents in the Others permission bucket. (Example: Non-riding members)


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Setup and Use

1. From the Response Module, select Responder Setup and then Responder Status

NOTE: Currently, the ability to have different status choices for Users versus Units is only available for Web Responder and iOS.  For Android, the Unit Response Mapping buttons section dictate what appears for both users and units.

2. Select the Responder Status buttons you wish to populate from the drop down menu. (Maximum: 8)

3. To match agency specific status', the displayed text is editable.

4. If the status buttons are to be used for a Unit account populating times to a First Due NFIRS report, choose the desired NFIRS fields.  If these are not needed, choose "--".

NOTE: The functionality for populating status times to the First Due ePCR is not finalized yet. Stay tuned!

5. Utilize the "three lines" icon to rearrange the status' or the trash can to delete them.

6. Finally, select  

After completing the above setup, the set status buttons will appear in the incidents on the Mobile App and Responder V2.


If the responder has chosen to share their location in the devices First Due App Settings, the responder's location will show on both the mobile and web responder maps once either the First Due defined To Station or To Scene buttons are selected in the Mobile App.

NOTE: The ability to see responders on the map is particularly helpful in making tactical decisions such as apparatus staffing, or planning attack and ventilation priorities based on responder location.

A list of responders that have statused through First Due is available at the bottom of the dispatch, in the Status Log, along with their current status.

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