Release Notes - June 2024

Release Notes - June 2024



  1. Current Version:
    1. iOS 5.6.1:
      1. NEW FEATURE: Added a ruler feature for ArcGIS maps to measure distances.
      2. NEW FEATURE: Incident command feature now available from the dispatch details view.
      3. NEW FEATURE: Enhanced routing feature with step-by-step instructions.
      4. NEW FEATURE: Dispatch notifications count now shown on the app icon.
      5. NEW FEATURE: Improved responder feature to clear selected statuses.
      6. NEW FEATURE: Added support for address search for clients using the offline feature.
      7. ENHANCEMENT: Improved user interface for network status alerts.
      8. ENHANCEMENT: Removed transparency from medication images.
      9. FIX: Removed the close button on the incident detail view.
      10. FIX: Fixed an issue with the CarPlay feature.
      11. FIX: Resolved app crashes when opening channels.
    2. Android 6.7.5
      1. NEW FEATURE: Enhanced Routing with Destination Instructions
      2. NEW FEATURE: Clear Responder Status Selection
      3. ENHANCEMENT: Improved User Interface for Network Status Alerts


  1. New Features
    1. Adding Custom Landing Page
      1. Enabled the option for users to set their own custom page as the landing page. Users can go to account settings, select the Landing Page drop-down menu in the settings tab, choose the desired page and save.

    1. Support Setup of PIN for Medications Team on User Account Settings Page
      1. Added the ability to set up and manage PINs for users involved in controlled substance handovers, enhancing security and accountability. The PIN field appears only in user accounts with the Medication module configured. Steps to Set Up PIN:
        1. Go to Account Settings -> Settings.
        2. Locate the PIN field and click on Edit.
        3. Enter and confirm the PIN (4-digit numbers only).
        4. If less than 4 digits are entered, the system prompts for correction.

  1. Enhancements
    1. Modifications to the Permissions Dictionary
      1. Updated the Permissions page terminology:
        1. Changed any field labeled as “Group” to “Bucket.”
        2. Relabeled “Permission Group” to “Product Group.”


  1. New Features
    1. Swap History Page
      1. We’ve developed a dedicated page for viewing Swap History. This page enables users to visualize items that were moved during previous swaps, providing valuable insights into equipment movements.

    1. Add Nested Checklist Frame for Kits
      1. We have introduced a new feature to our platform: nested checklists for kits, aligning with our existing apparatus checklist framework. This enhancement allows users to create and manage nested checklists within kits, enhancing inspection workflows. The user interface has been optimized for mobile devices, ensuring seamless functionality across different screen sizes. This addition improves inspection accuracy by facilitating detailed equipment checks within kits and provides a unified experience in checklist management.
    1. Start Checklist Early - Prior to Due Date
      1. We’ve introduced a Start Early option in the checklist scheduler modal for enhanced scheduling flexibility. The “Start Date” field is now labeled as “Schedule Start Date” for clarity; its functionality remains unchanged. A new toggle labeled “Start Early” has been added to the Checklist Scheduler. This toggle is not displayed when the “Schedule Type” is set to “On Demand.” Enabling the toggle activates two new controls:
        1. Selection for hours, days, or months. Integer input (no decimals) specifying how far in advance the checklist can be started:
          1. Hours: 1 to 48 hours in advance.
          2. Days: 1 to 31 days in advance.
          3. Months: 1 to 12 months in advance.

NOTE: By default, the Start Early toggle is disabled for new schedules.
    1. Import Inventory Groups
      1. We’ve introduced an import feature in the Assets > Setup > Inventory Groups section to streamline management. Users can now import inventory groups using a CSV file. Validations for imported data include; Name: Required, must be unique, and can have a maximum of 64 characters; Description: Not required, allows up to 255 characters of free text. If a name already exists in the list, options to Update, Reject, or Cancel are presented to manage duplicates effectively.

  1. Enhancements
    1. Restrict Dispatch Units per Apparatus
      1. We've introduced a new setting in the Assets module that allows agencies to restrict the number of apparatuses associated with a dispatch unit.

NOTE: If the toggle is disabled and there are dispatch units currently associated with multiple apparatuses, a warning modal will appear listing the affected dispatch units and their associated apparatuses.
    1. Add Attachments to Apparatus Record
      1. We've enhanced the Apparatus Records feature by adding a new area where users can attach important documents directly to an apparatus record. This update helps in organizing and managing essential paperwork related to apparatuses. Users can now attach various documents, including but not limited to: Vehicle Registration; Insurance Paperwork; Manufacturer's Manuals; Pump Tests.

    1. Vehicle Details Tool Tip on Work Order Details Page
      1. We’ve implemented a tooltip feature on the Work Order - Info tab. This enhancement specifically targets work orders associated with Apparatus, offering users quick access to essential vehicle details. When hovering over the tooltip icon for an apparatus-related work order, users will now see important vehicle details, including: Year; Make; Model; Manufacturer ID; Manufacturer Build; VIN

    1. Updated “User” Field Name to “Associated Unit User”
      1. To enhance clarity and align with terminology across the platform, we have updated the “User” field within the Apparatus Record to “Associated Unit User”. This change applies both to the field label within the record itself and the corresponding column in the apparatus list.

    1. Restriction of Checklist Scheduler to Future Start Dates
      1. The checklist scheduler date picker is now restricted to current and future start dates. When creating a schedule for a checklist, the date picker only shows dates greater than or equal to the current one. Existing schedules remain unaffected, allowing previously scheduled checks to continue as planned.

    1.  Import Equipment Groups via CSV
      1. We have introduced a feature that allows users to import equipment groups using a CSV file. Within the Assets > Setup > Equipment Groups section, a new “Import CSV” button is now available. When accessing this feature, users will find an Import Modal where they can upload their CSV file.

  1. Update to PPE Specifications
    1. We’ve enhanced the labeling of “Turnout Gear” specifications to “PPE” across multiple sections for clarity and consistency:
      1. Equipment Record: Specifications section
      2. Column List
      3. Setup: Check List (equipment type fields)
      4. Ad-Hoc Report

  1. Addition of “On Demand” Tag
    1. We’ve introduced a “On Demand” tag to the Checks section across our the check section and checks page. 

  1. End of Primary Service Life Date Field
    1. We’ve implemented a “End of Primary Service Life Date” in the Apparatus Table.  Users can input dates from the past into this field. 
    2. Note: that this field is optional

  1. Set Max Inventory Value
    1. We’ve added a new feature that allows users to set a maximum inventory value directly within the user interface. Users can now update the Max field within Compartments, Storages, and Pouches if the inventory item is enabled for maximum value. If the inventory item’s maximum value is disabled, the Max field will not be displayed. 

  1. Update Restock From Modal
    1. We’ve enhanced the Restock From modal with improved functionality for smoother operations. When opening the “Select Quantity” modal, the Quantity Needed now automatically loads into the Earliest Expiration Date. If the Quantity Needed exceeds what’s available in the Earliest Expiration Date, the system automatically distributes the selected quantity among multiple expiration dates for efficient handling. All other expiration dates will display a selected quantity of 0 by default.

  1. Other Enhancements/Bug-Fixes
    1. Bug Fix: Work Orders Not Archiving
    2. Bug Fix: Incorrect Number of Checklists in Assets Setup
    3. Bug Fix: Duplicate Kits “Number of Duplicates” Field

Fire Prevention

  1. New Features
    1. Custom Sender Name for Invoicing
      1. We’ve introduced a new feature that allows fire departments to customize the sender name displayed when emailing invoices to customers. This customization can be set up in the Invoicing section under Invoice Setup > Email and applies to both outgoing email configurations. When the switch is OFF, the sender name defaults to the logged-in user’s name at the time of sending the email. When the switch is ON, it defaults to “No-Reply,” but users have the flexibility to personalize it with any text up to 30 characters long. 

    1. New Payment Type for Online Payments
      1. We’ve introduced a new payment type called “E-Payment” for all transactions processed through Stripe or Paymentus. This payment type is automatically assigned to payments and refunds and cannot be selected manually from the user interface. 

    1. Insert Signatures and Inspector Data in Inspection Forms
      1. Users can now insert inspector and inspection contact signatures anywhere within the form using the form builder. When configuring these signatures, users have the option to adjust the font size dynamically using the dtf tag, ensuring consistency in appearance across generated reports. Additionally, we’ve expanded the data fields available for inspectors on inspection reports, providing more comprehensive information:
        1. Inspector Name
        2. Inspector Position
        3. Inspector Rank
        4. Inspector Badge Number (label updated)
        5. Inspector Firefighter ID (label updated)
        6. Inspector Inspector Number (label updated)
        7. Inspector Inspector Designation (label updated)
        8. Inspector Phone
        9. Email Address

    1. Standard Remarks Text Formatting Tool
      1. We’ve introduced a new capability to enhance the customization of standard remarks in our inspection processes. Users can now apply text formatting while configuring standard remarks within the code organizer. This formatting will be applied automatically whenever the standard remark is used during an inspection. 

    1. Life Hazard Group for Occupancy
      1. New Jersey clients can now add multiple Life Hazard Uses, Life Hazard Registration Numbers, and Notes to an occupancy. We have removed the individual Life Hazard Use and Registration Number fields and grouped them so clients can add more than one. 
      2. Field Management:
        1. We have removed the permissions by role for the Life Hazard Use and Registration Number fields.
        2. We have added the Life Hazard Group and Life Hazard Use Note fields.
        3. The permissions are only managed with the Life Hazard Group. If the group is hidden, users won’t see any of the three fields. The old individual permissions were migrated to this one.
        4. These fields are hidden by default but any client can use them if needed.
        5. The Life Hazard Use list is not manageable yet. The only way to add or edit the options is with the support team or reaching out to your client success manager. Also, the values are specific to the state.
      1. How does the Life Hazard group work in the occupancy data?
        1. Users can add/edit/delete one or more groups of life hazard registration number, life hazard use, and life hazard note.
        2. If the group is required, users must enter at least one of the three fields.
        3. If the group is read, user can’t add/edit/delete values, users can only view them.
        4. If the group is hidden, the whole section is hidden, and users won’t see the values.
  1. Enhancements
    1. Prevent Deletion of E-Payments and Refunds
      1. We removed the ability for users to delete payments or refunds made through an online platform. Once a payment is made through Stripe or Paymentus, the only way to “delete” the payment is by making a refund to the customer. This also blocks the ability to delete failed, canceled, and rejected payments from Stripe and Paymentus.
    2. Displaying Violations Without Associated Codes
      1. We’ve improved our inspections feature to show all violations in the Violation Table and the Review Violation tab of inspections. Previously, only violations with associated codes were visible. Now, even if a checklist item lacks associated codes or if these codes are set not to appear on reports, the violations will still be displayed in the tables. In such cases, the columns that normally display code information will show “–”. This enhancement ensures that all relevant violations are visible, providing comprehensive oversight and clarity in inspection reports.

    1. Auto-Assignment of Inspections
      1. We’ve improved the workflow for scheduled inspections by introducing automatic assignment functionality. Now, when a user starts a scheduled inspection where the “Assigned to” field is empty, the inspection will be automatically assigned to them. This enhancement streamlines the inspection process, ensuring that inspections are promptly assigned to the responsible user, thereby reducing administrative overhead and ensuring accountability from the outset of the inspection task. Please note, if the assigned user later unassigns themselves, they will need to manually reassign the inspection.

    1. Enhanced Missing Field Error Messages for Risk Score Calculation
      1. We’ve upgraded our Occupancy module to provide more detailed error messages when users calculate the risk score. When the user uses the “Calculate Risk Score” button within the occupancy data, we improved the error message to show all the missing fields required for the calculation instead of a generic message, as we were doing.
    1. View Inspection Email Status in Occupancy Record
      1. While viewing the occupancy record page, users can now review the email status in the inspection list tab to help manage their places.
    1. New Occupancy Fields as Checklist Items in Inspections
      1. We’ve enhanced the inspection configuration by introducing 10 new occupancy fields that can be utilized as checklist items:
        1. Number of Common Areas
        2. Number of Units
        3. Property Value
        4. Total Area (Calculates automatically based on entered values)
        5. Total Billable Area
        6. Fire Department Access
        7. Occupant Mobility
        8. Warning Alarm
        9. Exiting Systems
        10. Regulatory Oversight
    1. Reordering Action Icons in Inspection Lists
      1. To enhance user experience, particularly on mobile devices, we’ve reorganized the action icons within the inspection lists. The new order ensures better usability by preventing similar actions from appearing consecutively. Here’s the updated sequence of action icons (note that not all icons are displayed simultaneously):
        1. Inspect
        2. Review
        3. Read the report (for data-sharing with view-only inspection permission)
        4. Edit
        5. Schedule Reinspection
        6. Re-open
        7. Email Status
        8. Sync / Download inspection
        9. Upload Fire Inspection
        10. Remove from cache
        11. Remove the link to this inspection (when the list is shown inside a permit)
        12. Cancel
        13. Delete
        14. Restore
    1. New Filter Options for “Schedule Date”
      1. To provide more flexibility in filtering inspections, we’ve introduced four additional options for the “Schedule Date” filter in both the inspection list and My Inspections views. These new options allow users to efficiently narrow down inspections based on recent scheduling dates:
        1. Last 7 days
        2. Last 30 days
        3. Last 60 days
        4. Last 90 days


  1. New Features
    1. Displayed Hydrants on Hydrant Map
      1. The Hydrant Map now initially displays the first 5000 hydrants from a client’s list. For departments with more than 5000 hydrants, filters must be applied to view additional hydrants based on zones, type, and other criteria.
  2. Enhancements
    1. Hydrant List - Tests/Work Orders
      1. Added a “View” button to the Hydrant history list, allowing users to view completed Service and Flow Tests as well as Work Orders without the ability to edit.
    1. [Hydrant Details] Pressure Zone
      1. Added a new field to Hydrant Details - "Pressure Zone"
    2. ArcGIS Sync: Added Hydrant Zone
      1. The “Hydrant Zone” field has been integrated into the ArcGIS sync process.
    3. Bulk Updates for Hydrant List
      1. Users can now assign hydrants to Prevention Teams in bulk.
      2. Users can now assign hydrants to Annual Maintenance date in bulk.

    1. Field Adjustment in Hydrant List: Pitot Gauge FH1 and FH2
      1. The default location of fields “Pitot Gauge FH1 and FH2” has been changed to be adjacent to Flow Hydrant (FH) on the table.

  1. Other Enhancements/Bug-Fixes
    1. [Hydrant List] Assigned User/Team - Fixed an issue where a user was able to assign both a User AND a Prevention Team.
    2. [Hydrant List] Edit/View Hydrant Service - Fixed an issue that displayed an edit "pencil" next to a completed service test - implying that an edit could be made.  This icon was changed to an "eye" view icon
    3. [Hydrant List] "Create New" Hydrant - Fixed an issue that caused the ArcGIS map to load incorrectly when adding a new hydrant from the hydrant list.
    4. [Hydrant Icons] - Adjustments made to ensure hydrant icons are the same size when moving from Google to ArcGIS map.
    5. [Set-Up/Notifications] - "Clean-up" completed of Hydrant Notifications to create more streamlined and user friendly layout and location of hydrant notification options.
    6. [Flow Tests] Hydrant Identifiers - Fixed an issue where the Flow Test map would always show the First Due ID, regardless of client set-up.  
    7. [Work Orders] Attachments - Fixed a bug that caused attached documents to not display within the the user interface. 

Incident Documentation - NFIRS (United States)

  1. Enhancements
    1. [Field Management] - Read-Only Shift Field
      1. We have added the ability to set the Shift field as read-only to protect CAD data from unauthorized changes, requiring admin permission for edits. Configure via NFIRS Setup -> Field management -> Custom Field management.

    1. [Field Management] [Weather] - Customizable Size-up Weather Fields
      1. Added the ability to customize fields under Size-up | Weather (Temperature, Wind speed, Humidity, and Weather) to make them required in the Field Management setup.

    1. [Incident List] [Asheville] - Multi-Select First Arriving Column
      1. Updated the First Arriving column to be a multi-select option on the incident list, allowing users to filter incidents by specific First Arriving units for more relevant information.
    2. [Incident List] - Apparatus List Column Option
      1. Added the option to display apparatus as a delimited list within the incident list. The apparatus column is now available in the Show option and can be saved in views, although it is not sorted to optimize load times.

  1. Other Enhancements/Bug-Fixes
    1. Integration Data Processing: Enhanced processing of data from third-party integrations (TELESTAFF, CREWSENSE, ALADTEC, and ADASHI) to improve reliability and efficiency in data handling.
    2. Shift Dropdown Order: Adjusted the order of the Shift dropdown list on the Department page for improved usability and consistency.
    3. NFIRS Print Corrections: Implemented corrections in the NFIRS print feature to support the new setting “Use PDF generator additional fonts,” ensuring accurate and compliant document generation.

Incident Documentation - Fire Investigations 

  1. Enhancements
    1. [Investigations] - Add Multiple Hypotheses
      1. Added the ability to add multiple hypotheses and one conclusion in the Findings module, allowing users to test and document multiple scenarios. The Findings tab now includes a + (Plus) functionality to add up to 10 hypotheses, all of which will be included in the print form.

    1. [Investigations] - Comment on Attached Photos and Attachments
      1. Added the ability to comment on attached pictures and attachments within the investigations module. Users can add optional captions to uploaded items and edit them by clicking on the item, similar to the inspections module.

    1. [Investigations] - Marine Investigation Type Data Elements
      1. Introduced a new Marine Investigation Type to capture specific data related to marine vessels. This new type, found under Scene Information -> Fire Incident Data, includes a Marine section with subsections for General Info, Marine, Exterior, and Interior.

Incident Documentation - ePCR

  1. New Features
    1. [Permissions] - View Records by eDisposition
      1. Introduced a new permission in the ePCR section called “Restrict access by Facility.” This allows assigning users permissions to view records based on eDisposition.01 and eDisposition.02. Admins can manage access in the provider directory, with users defaulting to restricted access unless granted permission based on Facility name.
    2. Legacy Import - Print NEMSIS 3.4.0 Records
      1. Enabled the ability to print legacy NEMSIS 3.4.0 and earlier records. These reports now have display options to view and print. Note: When imported information is not in the database, the imported code is displayed in the printed report.

    1. Export - Send Only Once Option per Endpoint
      1. Added an “Export Once” setting in the endpoint configuration, allowing reports to be sent only once. When set to “Yes,” the report is sent to the endpoint only the first time, even if completed multiple times. Note: The resend option in the export summary will always send the report again, regardless of the “Export Once” setting.
    1. EKG - Code Time Stamps Support for Physio
      1. Added support for importing monitor treatments and medications in the Stryker connector, similar to the existing functionality for Philips. For every PCO file, case events are processed to determine if they are treatments or medications based on the event type and event label fields.

  1. Enhancements
    1. [QA/QI] - Add Green Circle for Positive Comments
      1. Introduced a green circle to indicate positive comments in QA/QI. This new “Good” comment option does not require any type of approval or resolution workflow.

    1. [Signature Setup] - Default Values for Signature Blocks
      1. We have added the option to set default values for signature blocks, providing more flexibility and speeding up the process of documenting signatures.

    1. [Workflows] - Hide Custom Questions
      1. Expanded workflow functionality to allow hiding custom questions in both hard-coded and custom sections. Only custom questions with Optional or Recommended use can have a hide rule, which can be applied to fields in report sections, modals, and custom sections.

    1. [Validation] - Save Grid Items Without All Required Fields
      1. Updated validation to allow saving of grid items in all modals without completing all required fields. The Save button is enabled once at least one field has a value.

    1. [Audit] - Detailed Audit Tracking
      1. Implemented detailed audit tracking for ePCR records, logging changes field by field with old and new values after the first completion. The ePCR History can be searched by Event Date & Time, User, Event Type, and Description. Actions such as Print, Consult, Export, and Synchronize continue to be logged, with records indicating the number of changes and detailed modifications.
    1. [Custom Questions] - Move Custom Questions
      1. Enabled movement of custom questions to different sections of the report or to custom sections even after they have been used in records. For custom questions in modals, the “After Field” option can only be changed to a field within the same modal.

    1. [Endpoint] - Option to Strip Attachments from Export File
      1. Introduced a new endpoint setting, “Exclude eOtherFileGroup,” which, when set to “Yes,” excludes the eOther.FileGroup node from the exported XML file. By default, this setting is “No,” maintaining current endpoint export behavior.

    1. [Custom Values] - Add ePatient.22 (Alternative Home Residence)
      1. Added support for custom values in the Alternative Home Residence field (ePatient.22). Users can manage, sort, activate/deactivate, and customize display descriptions for this field in Field Customization. Custom values can also be utilized in workflows.

    1. [EKG] [Zoll] - Zoll Connector Improvements
      1. Updated the ZOLL connector to import cases from the last 3 months only. Added an option in the server setup to choose whether to store physical files. If not checked, only a reference to the imported cases is stored in a text file (client_imported_files.txt).

    1. Print - Include Lab and Images in Print Report
      1. Added Lab and Imaging fields to the printed report. This information is located just after the “Exams” section and is displayed within a table containing all records added to the Lab & Imaging section.
    1. QA/QI - Display EKG Device Data in QA/QI Module
      1. Added the ECG thumbnail to the Vital Signs | Device section as the last visible field, named “Medical Device Waveform Graphic.” Urgent, less urgent, and “good” comments can be made on this field, allowing the full review flow (Comment, Reply, Resolve, Approve, Reject). Comments on the thumbnail fields are also printed on the report.

    1. QA/QI - Add Filter Options
      1. Added new search criteria to the EMS QA/QI List, including:
        1. Crew Member Name
        2. Crew Member Completing this Report
        3. Provider Primary Impression
        4. Provider Secondary Impression
        5. Incident Status
        6. Shift
        7. Station
  1. Other Enhancements/Bug-Fixes
    1. [Custom Section] - Support for Workflows to work for custom questions placed in custom section/sub-sections.
    2. [QA/QI]- Refactor Infinite scroll to better implement last sub-section of the entire section.
    3. [Addressing] - Autofill for Puerto Rico addresses based on county code.
    4. [LA County] - Customized management of ePatient.01 for LA county clients.
    5. [EKG][Stryker] - Creation of a script to process / rotate the connector logs.
    6. [EKG] - Fix for connector failure resulting in no EKG images.


  1. New Features
    1. Dashboard - Scheduled Counts Tab
      1. Added a “Due” tab to the Counts section of the Meds Dashboard, displaying counts scheduled and due today. This section excludes overdue counts. If a count process is saved as a draft, the “Resume Count” button is shown until the end of the day. All count actions (Sign, Close, Save as Draft, Cancel, Close) will return users to the Dashboard upon completion.

    1. Add Medications Reverse Action to Med Log
      1. Incorporated the Reverse process for Usage, Transfer, Remove, and Receive actions in Med Log for both Med Kits and Med Supply. A tooltip above the Reverse icon displays “Reversed By User Name. Date/Time of Reversal.” The Reverse icon appears in the Actions column for users with the “Med Log Event - REVERSE” permission enabled.

  1. Enhancements
    1. Sort Med Kits (Page) Navigation A-Z
      1. Updated the Med Kits navigation pane to sort kits alphabetically by Kit Name, with numerical values listed first in order from 0-9.

    1. Move Med Kits List to Menu
      1. Moved the Med Kits List to the main menu within the Medications module and updated to a full-page UI. Users need specific permissions (“Medications Kit List - CREATE,” “READ,” “UPDATE,” or “DELETE”) to view this option. Added a CS Kit toggle, Status component with Archived status, and a Change Status action for bulk checks. The Show Column option and sorting through all columns except Locations are also included.

    1. Update Count Emails Template
      1. Updated the email template for Controlled Substances count. The email notifications now reflect the same format for both Med Supply and Med Kits counts, and for both individual and bulk methods: Medications Name, Form - (Qty) - Count.
    1. Create Full-Page Create/Edit Med Kit Page
      1. Developed a full-page version of the Create/Edit Med Kit modal, maintaining all validations and current behavior on both mobile and web platforms.


  1. Enhancements
    1. Pre-Plan - Parent Address Indicator
      1. Added a blue highlight to parent addresses within the new Primary/Secondary address view on Occupancy Dashboards. Primary addresses are now highlighted in blue for easier identification, while the yellow highlight indicates the currently viewed address. If the parent address is being viewed, only the yellow highlight will be shown.
  1. Other Enhancements/Bug-Fixes
    1. [Preplan Organizer] Permissions - Fixed a bug that allowed bulk changes by users without permissions to edit data in the Preplan Organizer.


  1. New Features
    1. Responder Map - Layers Toggle Redesign
      1. Redesigned the Layer control area of the Responder Map, replacing small checkboxes with larger toggle switches. This improves the user interface experience for users accessing First Due from MDTs and other Windows devices.


  1. New Features
    1. SFTP Option Added in Report Scheduling and Email Now
      1. Introduced the option to schedule reports to be sent to SFTP endpoints. Users can set either an email schedule or an SFTP schedule, but not both in the same schedule. The “Email Now” feature also includes the option to send reports to an SFTP.
NOTE: Only active SFTP endpoints are listed in the Endpoint Settings; PDFs do not include the criteria for now; this will be included in a
future task.
  1. Enhancements
    1. Hydrant’s Data Source - Reason Out of Service
      1. Added the field “reason_out_of_service” to the Hydrant’s data source.
    2. First Arriving Columns in Incident Report Apparatus Data Source
      1. Added two additional columns to the Incident Report Apparatus data source:
        1. Is First Arriving Unit (boolean): True if the apparatus had the earliest arrival time associated with the incident.
        2. Is First Arriving Suppression Unit (boolean): Uses the same logic as “Is First Arriving Unit” but only evaluates apparatus where the Primary Use is “Suppression.”
    3. Option to Remove Column Headers in CSV Downloads
      1. Added functionality in Ad Hoc to optionally exclude column headers in CSV downloads. The default option is set to include column headers.


  1. New Features
    1. Bulk Shift Movement
      1. Introduced a bulk action feature for shift movement on the shift board. Users can remain on the same rotation while changing assignments. A shift movement area is displayed in the right-side panel, allowing selection of employees from the board or unassigned ones, changing the scope (this date only or all future occurrences), changing the work type if needed, and moving employees to their new positions. More Information:

  1. Enhancements
    1. Call Shift Rules Updates
      1. Added functionality to tie call shift tiers automatically into a call shift. When initiating a call shift, if the qualifier has a rule with a tier default, that information will be loaded by default. To configure, go to Setup -> Call Shift Rules, select the rule to change or add, and enable the ‘Tiered Call Shift’ toggle. Additionally, individual settings per call shift can now be set.

    1. Call Shift Ranking Details
      1. Expanded the Call Shift Ranking Details modal to show all elements involved in ranking calculations, including call shifts, call shifts charged by another qualifier, work types, and manual adjustments. By default, the page loads the ‘charged’ items, but filters can be adjusted to view more details. Totals per type and the Total Hours, which should match the ranking value, are displayed at the top. This update is especially useful for hour-based call shift rules.

    1. Shift Trades Settings
      1. Added two new toggles under Setup -> Time Off Settings -> Trade Settings in the Trading Options area:
        1. Limit trades from traded shifts
        2. Limit trades to matching qualifiers

      1. FLSA Filter Update
        1. Added a new setting “Make FLSA cycle the priority in reporting” under the FLSA cycles section. When enabled, the date filter in payroll reports will show cycle periods, with the current one displayed by default.

      1. Right-Click to Send Users to Time Off
        1. Added a right-click function called “Send to Time Off” on the shift board, allowing admins to quickly assign employees to time off without manually dragging them.
      1. Time Card Notify Option
        1. Added the ability for users to choose who to notify when submitting their time card. Agencies can enable this option under Setup -> Time Card -> Notifications Options.

      1. New Rotations
        1. Introduced new recurrence rules for shift rotations:
          1. 1 ON / 1 OFF / 1 ON / 1 OFF / 1 ON / 3 OFF / 1 ON / 1 OFF / 1 ON / 3 OFF
          2. 1 ON / 20 OFF / 1 ON / 6 OFF / 1 ON / 13 OFF
          3. First Shift - 26 weeks: 6 ON / 2 OFF / 6 ON / 1 OFF / 3 ON / 2 OFF / 5 ON / 2 OFF / 7 ON / 3 OFF / 4 ON / 2 OFF / 5 ON / 3 OFF / 6 ON / 2 OFF / 6 ON / 1 OFF / 3 ON / 2 OFF / 5 ON / 2 OFF / 4 ON / 1 OFF / 4 ON / 2 OFF / 7 ON / 3 OFF / 4 ON / 3 OFF / 6 ON / 1 OFF / 4 ON / 2 OFF / 5 ON / 2 OFF / 5 ON / 2 OFF / 5 ON / 2 OFF / 3 ON / 1 OFF / 5 ON / 2 OFF / 4 ON / 1 OFF / 3 ON / 2 OFF / 5 ON / 3 OFF
          4. First Shift - 8 weeks: 4 ON / 1 OFF / 6 ON / 2 OFF / 5 ON / 2 OFF / 5 ON / 2 OFF / 2 ON / 1 OFF / 6 ON / 2 OFF / 7 ON / 3 OFF / 5 ON / 2 OFF
          5. Second Shift - 14 Weeks: 7 ON / 4 OFF / 5 ON / 1 OFF / 4 ON / 1 OFF / 3 ON / 2 OFF / 6 ON / 2 OFF / 6 ON / 2 OFF / 3 ON / 1 OFF / 3 ON / 1 OFF / 5 ON / 2 OFF / 1 ON / 2 OFF / 6 ON / 1 OFF / 1 ON / 1 OFF / 5 ON / 2 OFF / 4 ON / 2 OFF / 5 ON / 2 OFF / 6 ON / 2 OFF
          6. Second Shift - 6 weeks: 5 ON / 2 OFF / 10 ON / 3 OFF / 5 ON / 3 OFF / 10 ON / 4 OFF
          7. Third Shift - 14 weeks: 5 ON / 2 OFF / 7 ON / 2 OFF / 5 ON / 2 OFF / 6 ON / 2 OFF / 5 ON / 2 OFF / 7 ON / 2 OFF / 4 ON / 2 OFF / 5 ON / 1 OFF / 1 ON / 3 OFF / 7 ON / 2 OFF / 5 ON / 2 OFF / 8 ON / 2 OFF / 5 ON / 4 OFF
          8. Third Shift - 6 weeks: 5 ON / 2 OFF / 5 ON / 2 OFF / 7 ON / 1 OFF / 3 ON / 1 OFF / 4 ON / 2 OFF / 6 ON / 4 OFF
      2. X

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