1. Select Checklists and Checklist sections with Inspection Questions will display.
2. Click on Standard Inspection and select Standard Inspection Response.
3. Bulk Operation: Click on Pass or N/A. Will set all Standard Inspection Response items in the section to selection made ( e.g. Pass or N/A).
NOTE: Will not effect any checklist responses selected prior to using the bulk action.
4. Click on Pass or N/A. Will set all Standard Inspection Response items in the section to selection made.
5. Click on i to view associated code(s).
6. Select to Edit Associated Codes.
- Will determine which associated codes will appear on the print page for the inspection.
7. Edit Associated Codes:
- Show or not show all in the report (#1).
- Show individual code or not show the individual code in the report (#2).
- Edit the Code Description text (#3).
- Select Apply when done (#4).
8. Click on Collapse/Expand to collapse or expand the Inspection Question.
9. Click on Remarks to add notes regarding the violation. See the Related Article on how to add Standard Remarks to your checklist.
- Formatting Options:
- Font Size
- Bold
- Italics
- Underline
- Strike through
- Font Color
- Highlighting Color
- Numbered List
- Bulleted List
- Enter Link (Enter the name for the link, select the text, enter the link - make sure you put in http://www.--- or https://www.---, and then save)
10. Click Images to add images from file or camera with captions to the violation.
- If you are using an Android or Windows device select "Take Photo" to turn the camera (if present) on (#1).
- If you are using an Android or Windows device select "Choose Files" to bring in a file from your device storage folder (#2).
- If you are using an iOS device, the system will detect your camera automatically and turn it on for you.
11. Edit Photo Captions.
- Select the photo to edit the caption (#1).
- Select Edit (#2).
- Edit the text (#3) and save (#4).
12. Click on Duplicate to duplicate the Inspection Question. Valuable for noting different locations for the same violation.
13. Each instance of duplication will be noted (e.g. 2nd Instance). All Inspection Question Options are present.
14. Click on next section and make appropriate selection. This is an example of a Single Select Inspection Question.
15. Click on next section and make appropriate selection. This is an example of a Multi Select Inspection Question.
16. Click on the next section. This is an example of a Free Text type Inspection Question.
17. Click on the next section. This is an example of a Group Name added with subcategories in the checklist.
18. Ad-Hoc Violations. See the related Knowledge Base Article for more information on Ad-Hoc Violations.