Frequently Asked Questions - ePCR

Frequently Asked Questions - ePCR


What is the difference between an Error and a Warning?  

Errors are deemed mandatory for successful submission to your State’s repository. Warnings are considered recommended fields/values to document, but will result in a successful submission to your State. *Some States require all Warnings to be filled in to meet a certain validation “score” on the repository’s system.  

How can I make fields required for ePCR?  

Workflows! Workflows all you to create if/then logic to require fields above and beyond the minimum State or National requirements.  For more on workflows, click Here.

How can I hide fields that we don’t want to document?  

Workflows! Our powerful workflow engine allows admins to write if/then logic to hide fields that you do not want to see in the form. *Warning, hiding fields may result in conflict between a State requirement and hiding workflows. Don’t hide required fields! For more on workflows, click Here.

My ePCR takes too long to fill out, what can we do about this?  

Workflows! Specifically "Default Value" workflows. Workflows have the ability to set if/then logic and default values for fields based your answer in a different field. For example, IF an incident disposition = cancelled, THEN default defined additional fields as “Not Applicable”. For more on workflows, click Here.



When does my ePCR export to the State or my Billing Company?  

By default, as soon as the provider completes the ePCR, the XML is sent to the State and/or Billing company. There are options to restrict which dispositions are sent to your billing provider so they don’t get those canceled or non-billable calls. You also can hold your record until a specific Incident Status is triggered if you need to QA the incident prior to sending to Billing.  These options are accessed in EMS Setup -> Endpoints configuration.

I don’t want my data to go to the State until we’ve had a chance to QA/review the record, how can we restrict this from happening?

States often require ePCR records to be submitted within a certain time period from the end of the incident. State Data Managers want your ePCRs as soon as possible, even if some of them are in more of a draft state. State Repositories can consume the same ePCR multiple times, so if your ePCR is sent today, it can be sent with updates tomorrow or even a week from now in most cases without issue. States can monitor when the first submission occurs for the ePCR if you hold data too long in your QA process.  

Where can I see if my submissions to the State are successful?  

EMS Setup>Export Summary. As an administrator, this page should be checked regularly to ensure submissions are successful. We recommend setting up a recurring reminder on your calendar. Many different issues can occur, such as a password changes or the repository is down and submissions are not going through not related to First Due’s ability to send records.  

Can I resend a submission from the export summary list?     

Once you are in the Export Summary list, (EMS Setup>Export Summary) there is an icon next to each line item to "Send XML" that can be used to resend submissions.  There is also a button at the top of the list that can be used to "Send XML" for more than one line at a time: 

** Here is a link to our full Endpoint Configuration Article: EMS Setup- Endpoints Configuration

Field Management

We give a medication or perform a procedure that is not in the list that came with the system, what can we do to get that entered?  

There are two ways to medications/procedures can be added to the system:
  1. 1) Field Customization allows you to select or add many different medications or procedures. It’s likely that the medication or procedure is simply inactive in your environment and you need to activate it. See the screenshots below.

  1. 2) If it’s a newer medication or procedure performed and one that is not currently in our inactive list, please contact our support team and request the addition. *Please note that First Due follows the NEMSIS Standard using RXNORM coding for all medications and SNOMED for procedures. Sometimes the procedure you are looking for may be under different medical terminology.  

Other FAQ:

Is it possible to complete my NFIRS report at the same time as my ePCR?

Yes! See our Article on the NFIRS Short Form: Documenting the NFIRS Report from Within an ePCR

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