Daily Log List Saved Views

Daily Log List Saved Views


To create a saved view inside the Daily Log List.

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1. Navigate to the Activities module and select Daily Log List from the menu.

2. Select the dots next to Default View and click on Add View.

Select the dots next to Default View and click on Add View.

3. Type a name for your view. In this case we want a view that shows only Daily Logs for Engine 12, so that is the name.

Type a name for your view. In this case we want a view that shows only Daily Logs for Engine 12, so that is the name.

4. Select the columns you want to show by clicking the box to the left.

Select the columns you want to show by clicking the box to the left.

5. Once you have chosen the columns you want to show, use the right arrow to migrate them over to the Selected Columns list.

Once you have chosen the columns you want to show, use the right arrow to migrate them over to the Selected Columns list.

6. Clicking the pin icon next to a column name will pin that column as the first one in your view.

Clicking the pin icon next to a column name will pin that column as the first one in your view.

7. You can choose how your view will be sorted. In this case we are choosing Activity Time in descending order. Click the arrow again to switch to ascending order.

You can choose how your view will be sorted. In this case we are choosing Activity Time in descending order. Click the arrow again to switch to ascending order.

8. Start typing in the Allow Filtering By space to bring up fields you can chose. Select the ones you want to be able to filter by when in your saved view. In this case we only want Activity Time, Event Type, and Shift.

Click anywhere in the Allow Filtering By space to bring up the column of fields you can chose. Select the ones you want to be able to filter by when in your save view. In this case we only want Activity Time, Event Type, and Shift.

9. Now add the criteria you are looking for. From the Field drop down we are going to select Apparatus as the first criteria we are looking for.

Now add the criteria you are looking for. From the Field drop down we are going to select Apparatus as the first criteria we are looking for.

10. For Operator you want to select if the value will be "in" or "not in" your first criteria.

11. For the value of our criteria we are looking specifically for Daily Logs that were associated with Engine 12.

For the value of our criteria we are looking specifically for Daily Logs that were associated with Engine 12.

12. You can continue adding criteria and decide if you want the two (or more) items to be filtered only when they occur together (AND) or anytime they occur alone (OR). The Expression will calculate automatically.

You can continue adding criteria and decide if you want the two (or more) items to be filtered only when they occur together (AND) or anytime they occur alone (OR). The Expression will calculate automatically.

13. Chose who you want to share this view with. In this example we may want to choose the other Officers assigned to Engine 12. Checking Allow other users to apply changes will give those Officers permission to make changes to the view.

Chose who you want to share this view with. In this example we may want to choose the other Officers assigned to Engine 12. Checking Allow other users to apply changes will give those Officers permission to make changes to the view.

14. Select a radial button next to the pagination number you would like. This determines the default number of entries you will see on the first page of your saved view.

Select a radial button next to the pagination number you would like. This determines the default number of entries you will see on the first page of your saved view.

15. Click save in the upper right-hand corner when you have finished, and your new Saved View will appear on the Daily Log List.

Click save in the upper right-hand corner when you have finished, and your new Saved View will appear on the Daily Log List.

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