Create and Manage Occupancies Outside of your Area (Shape File)

Create and Manage Occupancies Outside of your Area (Shape File)


  1. To demonstrate how to create and manage an Occupancy the is outside of your Agency's Shape file.
  2. Useful for maintaining inspection records, permits, and invoices for mobile food vendors when the address is outside of your primary jurisdiction as defined by the shape file uploaded for your agency.
  3. Individual mobile food vendor units can be entered as a Secondary Address for tracking and maintaining inspection records, permits and invoicing.

Related Article



1. Click on Admin.

  1. Three permissions are needed to allow a user to create and manage an occupancy outside of area (Shape File).

Click on Admin.

2. Click on Roles.

Click on Roles.

3. Click on Edit to edit a Role to enable the creation and management of an Occupancy outside of your area (Shape File).

Click on Edit to edit a Role to enable the creation and management of an Occupancy outside of your area (Shape File).

4. Click on + to expand the Pre-Plan permissions bucket.

5. Type "occupancy" to filter the permissions list. Select the two permissions indicated.

6. Type "location" to filter the permissions list. Select the permissions indicated.

7. Next, click on Pre-Planning.

Next, click on Pre-Planning.

8. Click on Pre-Plans Map.

Click on Pre-Plans Map.

9. Enter the address for the Occupancy outside of your area (Shape File). to Find a place.

Enter the address for the Occupancy outside of your area (Shape File). to Find a place.

10. Alternatively, move the map to find the location to add.

Alternatively, move the map to find the location to add.

11. Double click on the location to add and click on New Occupancy.

Double click on the location to add and click on New Occupancy.

12. Enter address details.

Enter address details.

13. Click on Publish.

Click on Publish.

14. Go to the Occupancy record you created on the Pre-plan Organizer or Inspections Organizer and click on Not Shared Location.
  1. Important: This setting will keep this Occupancy from displaying on a neighboring agency's pre-plan map.

Go to the Occupancy record you created on the Pre-plan Organizer or Inspections Organizer and click on Not Shared Location.

15. Click on Save.

Click on Save.

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