Adding Hazardous Materials to a Pre Plan

Adding Hazardous Materials to a Pre Plan


  1. To demonstrate how to add Hazardous Materials into a Pre-Plan.



1. Inside of Pre-Plan editor, click on the HAZMAT icon.

Inside of Pre-Plan editor, click on the HAZMAT icon.

2. Click on the map in the location best representing the location of the hazardous material.

Click on the map in the location best representing the location of the hazardous material.

3. Click on Edit.

Click on Edit.

4. Look up the UN number by typing the number or chemical name.

Look up the UN number by typing the number or chemical name.

5. Enter the Chemical Name.

Enter the Chemical Name.

6. Enter NFPA 704 information if desired.

Enter NFPA 704 information if desired.

7. Assign the HAZMAT unit to one or multiple levels.

Assign the HAZMAT unit to one or multiple levels.

8. Enter in quantity and location information.

Enter in quantity and location information.

9. Click to add a last verified date.

Click to add a last verified date.

10. If applicable, apply an expiration date to the HAZMAT unit.

If applicable, apply an expiration date to the HAZMAT unit.

11. Assign an expiration date.

Assign an expiration date.

12. Choose whether to auto-remove the HAZMAT unit on the expiration date or require user review before removal.

Choose whether to auto-remove the HAZMAT unit on the expiration date or require user review before removal.

13. Attach pictures or other files to the HAZMAT unit.

Attach pictures or other files to the HAZMAT unit.

14. Click on Update.

Click on Update.

15. The HAZMAT information will populate into the response dashboard for easy reference during incident response.

The HAZMAT information will populate into the response dashboard for easy reference during incident response.

If the preplanner has provided the UN number and the chemical name, the Emergency Response Guide (ERG) information for the chemical can be seen by selecting "Show ERG".

16. Responders can also click on the HAZMAT unit on the map to view further information.

Responders can also click on the HAZMAT unit on the map to view further information.

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