Call Shifts
Initiating a Mandatory Fill from Call Shifts
Purpose To explain how to initiate a Mandatory Fill from the Call Shifts sub-module. Mandatory Fills are initiated to Force Hire an individual, whereas a Call Shift is a request for an individual to work. Initiating a Mandatory Fill from the Call ...
Call Shift Ranking Details
Purpose To explain how to view individual Call Shift details on the rankings list. This allows you the ability to view all Call Shifts that have been sent to the individual, which ones they accepted or were awarded, and the details of the specific ...
Sending a Call Shift at a Later Time
Purpose To explain how to schedule a call shift at a later time. You can send a Call Shift at a later time as needed, especially for overtime that doesn't occur in the near immediate future. Video Directions 1. When you are ready to send a call ...
Excluding/Including Employees on Call Shifts
Purpose To explain how to include or exclude employees in call shifts. IMPORTANT: Rankings will only adjust if the Use Global Rankings is turned on within the Call Shift Rules section for users who are included in a call shift that they do not have a ...
Stopping a Active Call Shift
Purpose To explain how to stop an active call shift. Video Directions 1. From the Call Shift information page, select the Stop Button. 2. Click on Stop. 3. The call shift will be set as cancelled, and all user statuses will be listed as cancelled.
Manually Charging a Call Shift
Purpose To explain how to manually charge a call shift. Important: The Allow Manual Charging feature must be turned on in Personnel>Setup> Call Shift Rules> Settings. Video Directions 1. Starting from within a call shifts history, we can see that the ...
Manually Awarding Call Shifts
Purpose To explain how to manually award a call shift. Related Articles Call Shift Settings Video Directions 1. Click on Scheduling> Call Shifts. 2. Find the call shift that is Ready for Awarding and click the eye. 3. Click the checkmark next to the ...
Initiating a Call Shift (Non-Candidate Method)
Purpose To explain how to initiate a Call Shift when not utilizing the candidate method. Related Articles Tiered Call Shift Video Directions 1. Click on Call Shifts. 2. Click on New Call Shift. 3. Fill in the: Start Date and Time End Date and Time ...
Initiating a Call Shift (Candidate Method)
Purpose To explain how to initiate a Call Shift when utilizing the Candidate Method. Related Articles Understanding the Candidate Method Tiered Call Shift Availability Settings Video Directions 1. Click on Scheduling > Call Shifts. 2. Click New Call ...
Tiered Call Shift
Purpose To explain how to tier a call shift. Tiered Call Shifts are helpful when you want to reach more qualifiers in the case that individuals in the primary qualifier are not available. Only once the primary qualifier has reached its deadline will ...
Viewing Call Shift History
Purpose To explain how to view the history associated with a call shift. Video Directions 1. Click on Scheduling> Call Shifts. 2. At the top, we can navigate to the rankings list, as well as filter down the call shifts we see. We can filter down by: ...
Responding to Call Shifts
Purpose To explain how a individual can respond to Call Shift Notifications. Video Responding Via Text Message 1. A text message will be delivered notifying you of : The qualifier that has a vacancy (in this case, it is a test qualifier) The date ...
Manually Adjusting Call Shift Rankings
Purpose To explain how to manually adjust call shift rankings. Video Directions 1. Click on Scheduling> Call Shifts. 2. Click on Ranking. 3. This qualifier is set up to show a rotating or seniority based list. To manually adjust a individual, select ...