Update Revoked Permit

Update Revoked Permit


  1. The purpose of this Knowledge Base Article is to demonstrate how to update revoked permits.



1. Click on Edit to edit to update an "Revoked" Permit.

2. Option #1 - Revoked Permit - Click on Reinstatement Submitted.

3. Enter notes for the revoked permit reinstatement request and then select Submit.

Enter notes for the revoked permit reinstatement request and then select Submit.

4. Select Approved.

Select Approved.

5. Enter comments, then select Submit.

Enter comments, then select Submit.

6. Select Denied.

Select Denied.

7. Enter a Reason for reinstatement request denied and select Submit.

Enter a Reason for reinstatement request denied and select Submit.

8. Option #2 - Revoked Permit - Click on Closed.
  1. NOTE: A closed permit cannot be updated.

9. Enter reason for closure then Submit.

Enter reason for closure then Submit.

10. Click on Close.

Click on Close.

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