Trade Settings

Trade Settings


  1. To explain the Trade Settings located in the Scheduling Module.



1. Click on Scheduling> Setup.

2. Click on Time Off Settings.

Click on Time Off Settings.

3. Click on Trade Settings.

Click on Trade Settings.

4. Determine how the request will be routed:
  • Let the user select who should approve the request.
  • Allow any admin with approve/deny permission.
  • Notify on duty.
    • This allows you to notify a specific qualifier, or user on a assignment.
  • Select a specific user that all requests will go to.

5. Determine what work type the user who is working will be on, as well as the time off type for the user who will be off. 

Determine what work type the user who is working will be on, as well as the time off type for the user who will be off.

6. Determine if you want to reverse the trades in reports. 
  1. This shows the user who was supposed to be working as working, and the individual that they traded with as off. 

Determine if you want to reverse the trades in reports.

7. Trading Options allows you to:
  • Limit Trades from a traded shift.
    • Users would not be able to trade on the day that they have already traded.
  • Limit trades to matching qualifiers.
    • Users are limited to only trade with those who have the same qualifier as them. 

8. Click Save when done. 

Click Save when done.

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