Time Off Settings

Time Off Settings


  1. To explain the Time Off Request Routing and Time Off Deduct Hours settings. 



1. Click on Scheduling> Setup.

2. Click on Time Off Settings.

Click on Time Off Settings.

3. Here you can determine the Request Routing for Time Off Requests. 
  • Let the user select who should approve the request. 
  • Allow any admin with approve/deny permission. 
  • Notify on duty. 
    • This allows you to notify a specific qualifier, or user on a assignment. 
  • Select a specific user that all requests will go to. 
  • All users with the permission can approve any time off
    • This is to ensure that no time off requests are missed due to approver vacation/sick leave.

Here you can determine the Request Routing for Time Off Requests.

4. You can also enable the Escalation Rules. Determine how the hours will be deducted, either at the time of use or at the time of approval. 

You can also enable the Escalation Rules. 
Determine how the hours will be deducted, either at the time of use or at the time of approval.

5. Next, determine:
  • Concurrent Time Off.
    • If enabled, users can be in the time off section as well as on a assignment on the shiftboard.
  • Accruals Overdraft.
    • Prevents users from overdrawing their accrual profiles.

6. Click Save when done. 

Click Save when done.

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