Purpose To explain how to view other individuals My Shift calendars from your personal First Due login. NOTE: Only those with sufficient permissions will be able to view other individuals My Shift calendar. This can be helpful when ensuring you ...
Purpose To show how to set your availability or unavailability. Video Definitions Your department has the ability to change how you show when you are available, or unavailable. Depending on the selection that they choose in the settings, you may be ...
Purpose To explain how to manually adjust call shift rankings. Video Directions 1. Click on Scheduling> Call Shifts. 2. Click on Ranking. 3. This qualifier is set up to show a rotating or seniority based list. To manually adjust a individual, select ...
Purpose To explain the general navigation of the My Shifts Calendar. Video Directions 1. Click on Scheduling> My Shifts. 2. At the top, you can change between a Monthly and Weekly view. 3. Clicking the arrow allows you to jump month by month or week ...
Purpose To explain how to manually award a call shift. Related Articles Call Shift Settings Video Directions 1. Click on Scheduling> Call Shifts. 2. Find the call shift that is Ready for Awarding and click the eye. 3. Click the checkmark next to the ...