Command: Messaging

Command: Messaging


  1. To explain how to utilize Messaging within the Command Board. 



1. Select Messaging within the options menu.

2. In the pop-up window the following options are available:
  1. 2A  Select toggle to send to all Users.
  2. 2B  Type names of Individual Users, Groups, Qualifiers, or Ranks that you wish to send a message.
  3. 2C  Enter the message into the text field (500 character limit).
  4. 2D  Add an image to the message  (NOTE:  If an image is attached, the message will only be sent in email format).

3. Selecting Send Now (if no attachments have been added) will send the message to all selected Users in the format that they have chose as their preference within their First Due Profile. 

4. If Send as Email Only is selected, the message will be sent in Email format only regardless of any Users selected preferences. 

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