Setting up Time Off Types

Setting up Time Off Types


  1. To explain how to create Time Off Types in the Scheduling Module.



1. Click on Scheduling > Setup.

2. Click on Time Off Types.

Click on Time Off Types

3. Click on Add Time Off Type.

Click on Add Time Off Type

4. Type in a time off type name and Shortcode (short name). Determine the buffer time.
  1. Buffer time prevents the user from requesting the time off a certain number of minutes, hours, or days prior to the start of shift. 

Type in a time off type name and Shortcode (short name). Determine the buffer time.

5. Determine:
  • Include In Call Shift.
    • when enabled, users who are on this time off will still receive call shifts.
  • Protect.
    • This requires the proper permissions to see this time off type on the Scheduling Deputy.
  • Required Subtype
    • This requires a user to select a subtype when submitting requests.
  • Is Requestable.
    • When turned off, users cannot request this time off type. It can only be utilized by Admin placing users on this time off type. 

6. Choose a color to associate to the time off type. 

Choose a color to associate to the time off type.

7. The Buffer Period allows you to determine how far in advanced end users must request Time Off. 
      Notify allows you to notify those who can approve/deny time off if a user takes a certain number of time off within a certain period. 

8. You can type the Subtype name and click Add within Subtypes. 

Type in a Subtype name, then click add.

9. Once the subtype is added, you have the ability to determine if it can be requested by users. 

Once the subtype is added, you have the ability to determine if it can be requested by users.

10. Click on Save when done. 

Click on Save when done.

11. You can:
  • Change the position by dragging the arrows. 
  • Set a default time off type off by selecting the star. 
    • A gold star indicates a default time off type. 
  • Edit a time off type by selecting the pencil. 
  • Delete a time off type by selecting the trashcan. 

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