Scheduling & Personnel

Scheduling & Personnel

Product Roadmap Webinar Series -  Scheduling & Personnel 2023

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      First Due Academy: Scheduling 201 This training session offers specialized instruction for the features and functionality associated with First Due's Scheduling & Personnel Module. In 201 level sessions we review advanced features of First Due ...
    • Scheduling 301

      First Due Academy: Scheduling 301 This training session offers specialized instruction for the features and functionality associated with First Due's Scheduling & Personnel Module. In 301 level sessions, we review advanced features of First Due ...
    • Scheduling 101

      First Due Academy: Scheduling 101 This training session offers specialized instruction for the features and functionality associated with First Due's Scheduling & Personnel Module. In 101 level sessions we review fundamental module navigation, ...
    • Setting up Project Codes

      Purpose To explain how to create Project Codes in the Scheduling Module. Project Codes allows departments to track personnel assigned to special functions, special events, special projects, etc. Hours worked can be assigned a Project Code. Video ...
    • Scheduling Module - Payroll Report

      Purpose To explain the Payroll Report for the Scheduling module. How is This Report Helpful? This report is helpful when you need to export payroll information into other programs used by payroll/HR departments. This report can also be used to verify ...