Updating Emergency Contacts

Updating Emergency Contacts


  1. To explain how to update Emergency Contacts under the Personnel List.



1. Navigate to Personnel > Personnel List.

2. Select the pencil to the right of the individual whose emergency contacts you need to update. 

3. Select Emergency Contact from the Menu. 

4. From here, we are able to update:
  1. Emergency Contact Info#1
  2. Emergency Contact Info #2
  3. Medical Contact Info.
  4. Doctors Name.
  5. Doctors Phone Number.
  6. Allergies.
  7. Other pertinent information.

NOTE: Existing Contact information for Contact 1 & 2 will not appear unless the section is expanded using the plus sign. 

Updating/Adding Contact Information

  1. To update/add contact information, select the plus sign

  1. This will expand the contact information that you chose, allowing you to input the information. 
  2. You are able to put in: 
    1. The name of the contact.
    2. The email of the contact.
    3. The relationship of the contact.
    4. The address of the contact.
    5. The Cell, home and work phone of the contact.
    6. The employer of the contact. 

  1. Once the information is updated, select the save button in the top right. 


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