To give an overview of the Responder view when using Google.
1. Select the Response module and then select Responder View.
2. Map Layers opens a new rights side menu that allows the user to toggle on/off the following layers
Primary Addresses
Secondary Addresses
Pre-Plan unit (Also enables the User to filter specific Pre-Plans units to be displayed or hidden)
Address Tags
Traffic (Live traffic via Google)
Units (Also enables user to filter specific units to be displayed or hidden)
3. Regional Pre-Plan Layers is also available within the Map Layer but this feature is currently in Beta Testing.
4A. Google POI (Points of Interest)--Toggles Google's naming of businesses and POIs On/Off
4B. Crosshairs--This will center the map on the devices perceived location.
4C. Google Pegman--This will open a new window into Google's Street View based on the Incident Location.
5. The Measurement Tool allows the User to measure and display distances on the map. Total, Segmented and Accumulative Distances are available options.
6. Zoom in or Out on Google Maps
7. Switch Between Google Street View and Google Map View
8. The Pre-Plan Levels are also available and will display the Pre-Plan Units assigned to that Level.
8. Tilt Map--This allows the User to tilt the map into a 3D view as well as rotate the map 360 Degrees.
Purpose To give an overview of using the ArcGIS map in the Responder view. Video Overview 1. Navigate to the Responder Module and select the Responder view. 2. The responder view may default to Google Maps. To Ensure that you are in the ArcGIS map ...
Purpose In response to user input for a more enhanced experience on the web side of Responder to more closely match our popular Mobile Responder App, First Due is proud to reveal Responder V2 with Station View. This KBA will demonstrate the ...
Purpose To explain the features of the Incident toolbar within the Responder view. Video Features 1. From the Response module select Responder view. 2. Click the dispatch bell to display or hide the calls. 3. Toggle All Calls to alternate between ...
Purpose To explain the setup and functionality of a Station View. Station View provides a "First Due Station Monitor" that can be set up as a static display that scans through incident details or displays new incident information as it becomes ...
Purpose To demonstrate navigating and using the Inspection Map Video Instructions 1. Click on Inspections. 2. Click on Inspections List. 3. As an alternative, click on My Inspections. Note that the only inspections on this page are those assigned to ...