Web Responder: ArcGIS Features

Web Responder: ArcGIS Features


  1. To give an overview of using the ArcGIS map in the Responder view.



1.  Navigate to the Responder Module and select the Responder view.

2.  The responder view may default to Google Maps. To Ensure that you are in the ArcGIS map select the ArcGIS map button.

3.  Map Layers opens a new right side menu that allows the user to toggle on/off the following layers
  1. Primary Addresses
  2. Secondary Addresses
  3. Dispatches (Incidents)
  4. Cameras
  5. Hydrants
  6. Pre-Plan unit (Also enables the User to filter specific Pre-Plans units to be displayed or hidden)
  7. Annotations
  8. Stations
  9. Address Tags
  10. Traffic (Live traffic via Google)
  11. Units (Also enables user to filter specific units to be displayed or hidden)

4.  Additional ArcGIS Map Layers can be added, managed and edited by selecting the Manage Layers button.
NOTE:  Additional map layers can be added and managed depending on what your GIS department has provided and what permissions are available to the User. Many different Custom ArcGIS map layers are available that can show everything from utility locations, storm runoff, underground water lines and Mains as well as  underground gas lines. It is strongly suggested to explore these base maps and seek clarification from your GIS administrator to better understand their purpose and role within your department.

5.  Regional Pre-Plan Layers is also available within the Map Layer but this feature is currently in Beta Testing.

ALERT:  Regional pre-plan layers are in development and currently in beta testing.  When completed, it will allow for pre-planning on a larger scale that won't need to be assigned or associated with an address. This will be helpful when pre-planning events such as marathons,  large scale events or pre-planning geographic areas like rivers and trails.

6.  ArcGIS Base maps allow the user to choose between multiple type of Base Maps. The selection of base Maps can vary based on the department,

7.   The Measurement Tool allows the User to measure and display distances on the map. Only total distance is available within ArcGIS maps. Units of measure can be selected once a measurement is completed.

8.   Crosshairs Icon will center the map on the devices perceived location based on current cellular and GPS connection.

9.  Zoom in or Out on Google Maps

10.  The Pre-Plan Levels are also available and will display the Pre-Plan Units assigned to that Level.

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