Responder Permissions

Responder Permissions


  1. To provide descriptions on the various permissions related to the Responder Module.
Use the "Search Permission" field to quickly find a module’s permission(s)

Responder Permissions 

Located in Other

Dispatch Incident Types - CreateUser can create new Dispatch Incident Types and manage their attributes
Dispatch Incident Types - ReadUser can access Dispatch Incident Types information on a read-only basis
Dispatch Incident Types - UpdateUser can edit existing Dispatch Incident Type attributes
Dispatch Items - CreateUser can add new Incident Dispatches to the system 
Dispatch Items - DeleteUser can delete Incident Dispatches to the system
Dispatch Items - ReadUser can access Incident Dispatches to the system 
Dispatch Items - UpdateUser can edit existing Incident Dispatches to the system 
Chat Groups and Chat Preset MessagesUser can create chat groups and chat preset messages

Located in Response

Access Web Responder Allows access to web responder
Allow to Respond to IncidentsAllows user to utilize response buttons 
Access responder unit timesAllows user to access responder times
Manage responder statusesAllows user to manage the responder statuses (buttons)
First Due size up by address (default)Allows user to access the Dashboard on Occupancies
Read Dispatch Call NotesUser can read dispatch call notes
Responder Map - Show Unit TrackingUser can toggle on or off unit tracking on the map
Show weather info on Size up pageUser can see weather alerts
Manage outside resources User can manage department wide outside resources

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