Release Notes - Scheduling Module

Release Notes - Scheduling Module

In order to provide you with more detailed information on our updates we have broken the Release Notes down by module. 

Feature Enhancements

Qualifiers can be used multiple times. 

  1. What: You are now able to use Qualifiers across multiple Call Shift Rules. 

  2. Why: Previously, you were only able to associate a Qualifier once as Tier 0 in a Call Shift Rule. This limited the flexibility of Call Shifts, as well as prevented you from reusing the qualifier. Now, I have the ability to associate the Qualifier across multiple rules, allowing you to choose which rule you want to use for the Call Shift at the time of initiation. 

  3. How: Go to Setup> Call Shift Rules where you can add a new rule or edit existing rules. Then, when initiating the Call Shift, you will see a drop down that appears allowing you to choose which rule you want to use. 
  1. Use Case: This allows you to have multiple different  list sorting options, wait times, tiers, and logic for a qualifier based on the rules that you create. 

Call Shift Limit Position has been increased.

  1. What: The Call Shift Position limit has been increased to 40 positions. 

  2. Why: This was increased to accommodate larger departments who are hiring 25-40 additional personnel each day. 
  1. How: When initiating the Call Shift, simply type in a number between 1-40 in the position box. 
  1. Use Case: Instead of having to send multiple Call Shifts to meet the staffing levels, you can now send one Call Shift. 

Pending Time Off can create a vacancy on the Shift Board. 

  1. What: Pending Time Off can create a vacancy on the Shift Board. 

  2. Why: This was enhanced per the request of multiple departments who need individuals to fill vacancies prior to allowing individuals off. 
  3. How: Go to Setup> Settings> Shift Board Settings and enable the "Remove User with Pending Time Off" 
  1. Use Case: You can now have vacancies filled via Sign-Ups prior to approving any Time Off requests ensuring your department maintains staffing levels. 

Default Board view on the Shift Board. 

  1. What: You are now able to set a Default Board view on the Shift Board.

  2. Why: This was enhanced per request of several departments who want their personnel to utilize one specific Board by default. 
  1. How: Go to Setup> Boards and you will see a star icon under the Actions column. Select the board that you want to set as default by clicking the star. When you travel to the Shift Board, the default Board will load without having to select it from the drop-down. 
  1. Use Case: This allows for front line personnel to have a dedicated landing view that shows what they need, while still having the ability to view all other assignments if needed. 
IMPORTANT: This was rolled back due to some technical issues that were encountered. We are currently working on the fix to re-release this back out to you.  

Validation Permissions Separated. 

  1. What: Separated the Unlock and Lock permission for Shift Board Validation. 

  2. Why: This was enhanced per the request of a department who wanted to limit who could unlock the Validated Shift Board. 

  3. How: Under the Roles page, those who will be both validating and un-validating the Shift Board will need "Shift Board - Can Validate and Shift Board - Can Unlock Validation" Permissions. If they will only be validating, all they will need is the Can Validate permission. 
  1. Use Case: A Captain can validate the Shift Board after roll call, indicating all individuals reported and the schedule is accurate. But a Battalion Chief could unlock if changes needed to be made to Work Types or Project Codes. 

Ability to see Station on Shift Board Hover. 

  1. What: Station now appears when you hover over an individual. 

  2. Why: This was enhanced per the request of a department who wanted to see the station individuals are assigned to from the shift board. 

  3. How: Users must have the permission "Scheduling - Shift Board - Show Hover" to be able to see the hover over details. If a user has a station associated within their Personnel Record, it will now appear on the Shift Board when you hover over their name. 
  1. Use Case: A scheduler wants to see what station an individual is assigned to so that they can place them on an apparatus within that station. By hovering, they can now see this information. 

New Name for Shift Movement. 

  1. What: Shift Movement has a new name = Bulk Change!

  2. Why: This was enhanced as the original name was confusing. 

  3. How: No steps need to be taken to change the name, this was done by an update to the system. To find Bulk Change, go to Shift Board> More Options> Bulk Change. 

Compound Rotation Setup increase.

  1. What: Compound Rotation Setup increased to 120 days. 

  2. Why: This was enhanced to allow more flexibility when setting up Compound Rotations.

  3. How: Navigate to Scheduling > Setup > Rotations > Compound Rotations. When you are setting it up, you will now see a Previous and Next button when the Calendar appears.  
  1. Use Case: Using the extensive library of rotational rules, you can now choose one and utilize it easier within the 120 day view. 

Time Off Use notifications. 

  1. What: Notifying supervisors of Time Off Use. 

  2. Why: This was enhanced per the request of a department to see when users are potentially abusing their Time Off. 

  3. How: Navigate to Scheduling > Setup > Time Off Types. Here, when you access a existing Time Off Type or create a new one, you will see a Notify section that you can set the user who will receive the notification, how many time offs, and  in a certain period. That individual who was chosen to receive notification will now receive a email whenever the criteria is met detailing the individual, the time off use dates, as well as any sub-types that may be associated. 
  1. Use Case: A Battalion Chief wants to ensure his Battalion is not abusing time off, with these settings he will now receive a email notifying him if the criteria are met. 

Denied Time Off and Trades. 

  1. What: Denied Time Off and Trade requests now show as Denied. 

  2. Why: This was enhanced as previously any other admin could change the request to Approved after it was Denied. 
  1. How: No changes need to be made to your system for this to work. When a user is denied Time Off or Trades, they will now show as Denied. 


Assignment Drag and Drop Bug. 

  1. What: Drag and Drop when switching Assignments was fixed.

  2. Why: This issue occurred when attempting to change the order of Assignments from the Scheduling > Setup > Assignments. We received reports that this was not working appropriately especially for larger departments. We fixed this issue to make dragging the positions of Assignments easy and seamless. 

Time Off Escalation Bug. 

  1. What: Time Off Escalation will now route to individuals within your department. 

  2. Why: We received several tickets reporting that the Time Off Escalation were leaving your department and ending up elsewhere. To fix this we added several validations on our side to ensure that reviewers from one department cannot be assigned to another. 

Time Off Rules Bug. 

  1. What: Deleting Time Off Rules will delete the appropriate rule that you intended to delete. 

  2. Why: We received several tickets reporting that when attempting to delete a Time Off Rule within the Scheduling > Setup > Time Off Settings > Time Off Rules was deleting a different rule and not the one you intended to delete. This has been corrected, so you will now be deleting the rule you intend to delete. 

Vacation Bid Bug. 

  1. What: When a Vacation Bid is Paused, the Time will now indicate your Time Zone. 

  2. Why: We received several tickets reporting that the Time was not the correct Time Zone when pausing a vacation bid. This has been corrected to show the appropriate time. 

Adjust Call Shift Rankings Bug. 

  1. What: Adjust Call Shift Rankings will now function as intended. 

  2. Why: We received several tickets reporting that the button was either disabled or not saving the time when you attempted to adjust the Call Shift Rankings. This will now function as intended. 

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