Release Notes - Scheduling Module

Release Notes - Scheduling Module

In order to provide you with more detailed information on our updates we have broken the Release Notes down by module. 

Feature Enhancements

Associate Work Types with Call Shift Rules 

  1. What: You are now able to associate a different Work Type to each Call Shift Rule. 

  2. Why: This was a request of several departments who submitted an Enhancement Request. 

  3. How: When this is disabled, the system functions as normal, applying Work Types to Call Shift Rules based on qualifiers. When enabled, the system will only award ranking change to the specific Call Shift Rule that the Work Type is tied to. 
    1. Go to Setup> Call Shift Rules > Hours Settings and enable Allow Work Types to be Specific Per Call Shift Rule. 


    1. Next, Navigate to Setup > Work Types. When creating a Work Type, you can enable the Count Towards Call Shift Ranking. This will show a dropdown allowing you to select the rule you want associated. 
IMPORTANT: This will only work if you are using a Hours Based List Rotation. 

  1. Use Case: This allows you to ensure that individuals working specific work types are counting towards rankings based on the Call Shift settings enabled. 

Remind All 

  1. What: You can now Remind All on the Shift Board. 

  2. Why: This was an Enhancement Request from a department. 
  1. How: Navigate to the Shift Board and click the three vertical dots next to the Assignment that you need to remind. Next, click Remind All. 
  1. Use Case: Instead of having to send multiple Call Shifts to meet the staffing levels, you can now send one Call Shift. 


Pending Time Off can create a vacancy on the Shift Board. 

  1. What: Pending Time Off can create a vacancy on the Shift Board. 

  2. Why: This was enhanced per the request of multiple departments who need individuals to fill vacancies prior to allowing individuals off. 
  3. How: Go to Setup> Settings> Shift Board Settings and enable the "Remove User with Pending Time Off" 
  1. Use Case: You can now have vacancies filled via Sign-Ups prior to approving any Time Off requests ensuring your department maintains staffing levels. 


Allow Editing of Compound Rotations 

  1. What: You can Edit Specific Fields within a Compound Rotation. 

  2. Why: This was an Enhancement Request of a Department. 
  1. How: Navigate to Setup > Rotations > Compound Rotations and you will now see a Pencil. Clicking the Pencil will allow you to edit the Name, Color and Associated Shift. 
  1. Use Case: Tin the event a Compound Rotation was accidentally associated with the wrong shift, you can now correct this issue instead of starting from scratch. 


New Rotations 

  1. Capt 1 Rotation 
    1. 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 6 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 8 on / 3 off

  2. Capt 2 Rotation

    1. 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 8 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 3 off / 4 on / 6 off

  3. 4 on / 3 off / 3 on / 4 off

  4. 4 on / 4 off / 3 on / 3 off

  5. 2 on / 1 off / 2 on / 2 off / 1 on / 1 off / 1 on / 1 off / 1 on / 2 off

  6. 3 on / 3 off / 1 on / 1 off / 3 on / 2 off / 2 on / 1 off / 2 on / 2 off / 3 on / 1 off / 1 on / 3 off

  7. 3 on / 8 off / 3 on / 14 off

  8. 2 on / 4 off / 2 on / 8 off


Issue with Call Shifts not updating and requiring browser refresh.

  1. What: Call Shifts had an issue where individual responses were not updating and remaining in a Queued status.

  2. Why: Users would still appear as Queued for several minutes after the Call Shift was sent, even though they had responded. Our team implemented a fix that ensures Live updates occur, without the need to refresh. 

Deleted Groups and Qualifiers.

  1. What: Deleted Groups and Qualifiers were showing within the Shift board, Scheduling Deputy, and Call Shifts. 

  2. Why: These deleted Group and Qualifiers would appear, causing confusion as to what was still active or not. Our team implemented a fix to correct this issue, and now once a Group or Qualifier is deleted, it will no longer appear. 

Project Codes and Off Roster.  

  1. What: Users who submitted Off Roster Requests with Project Codes would have the Project Code disappear after approval. 

  2. Why: This would only occur when approving an Off Roster Request that had a Project Code. Our team implemented a fix to ensure that the Project Code does not get removed upon acceptance. 

Vacation Bid May 31st.. 

  1. What: Users were unable to select May 31st as it would appear greyed.  

  2. Why: This would occur across all organizations, and our team implemented a fix to ensure that users are able to select May 31st as a day to bid on. 

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