Release Notes - Command Module

Release Notes - Command Module

In order to provide you with more detailed information on our updates we have broken the Release Notes down by module. 

New Features

  1. None

Feature Enhancements

Enhanced Command Assignment Management
  1. What: Assignments now have enhanced timers and functionality enabling Users to track these time based features more accurately. Threshold Time values are no longer required in Setup and can be left blank if desired. If a threshold Time is added to an assignment the timer will be gray. At 1 min prior to the Threshold Time limit the timer will be highlighted in YELLOW. When the timer reaches the Threshold Time limit the timer will be highlighted in RED and will stay highlighted to indicate the time threshold has been exceeded. Assignment timers can be reset by using the reset button.

  2. Why: Assignments timers were just simple timers that offered no visual cues or ability to reset if necessary. This enhancement allows for timers to become more usable for the dynamic situation of Incident Command. 

  3. How: These enhanced features are available within the Command Board. No action is required

  4. Use Case: Some Assignments may not require timers (REHAB, EMS). For assignments that do require a timer, these can now be reset when an assignment is completed and then restarted if the assignment needs to be completed again on another part of the incident.  Assignment Timers now offer the visual cue of Time Thresholds being exceeded which will allow command board users to more readily recognize evolving conditions on the command board. 

Enhanced Command Checklist Management
  1. What: Checklists Items now have timers and functionality enabling Users to track these as a time based action. Checklist Threshold Time values are now available in Setup and can be left blank if desired. If a Threshold Time is added to an Checklist the timer will start at the initiation of the Incident Command Board and will be highlighted GRAY. At 1 min prior to the Checklist Item Threshold Time limit the timer will be highlighted in YELLOW. When the timer reaches the Threshold Time limit the timer will be highlighted in RED and will stay highlighted to indicate the time threshold has been exceeded. Checklist timers can not be reset.

  2. Why: Checklists timers were just simple timers that offered no visual cues or ability to reset if necessary. This enhancement allows for timers to become more usable for the dynamic situation of Incident Command. 

  3. How: These enhanced features are available within the Command Board. No action is required

  4. Use Case: Some Checklist Items may not require timers (Traffic Control, Scene Hazards etc.). For Checklist Items that do require a timer, these now offer the visual cue of Time Thresholds being exceeded which will allow command board users to more readily recognize evolving conditions on the command board. 

Preserved Assignment Order from Template to Command Board
  1. What: When creating a Command Board Template the order of the assignments created within the template will now be translated into the Command Board

  2. Why: Ensures that the Command Board Template is accurately translated into the Command Board as it was designed. This also mimics the behavior of other elements of the template remaining in the same order in the Command Board as designed in the Template (i.e. Command Staff, Checklist Items, etc.)

  3. How: These enhanced features are available within the Command Board. No action is required

  4. Use Case: Templates created in the Command Setup now will mimic the order of assignments when utilized in the Command Board providing the assignments in the intended order as setup in the Template.

ArcGIS Basemap and Layers in Command Board
  1. What:  ArcGIS basemap and layers are now available in the Command Board in the Map Section.

  2. Why:  This allows Command Board Users to utilize the full scope and use of ArcGIS within the command board, including any corresponding layers.

  3. How: These enhanced features are available within the Command Board. No action is required. All ArcGIS basemaps and layers available within the agency platform will be available within the command board.

  4. Use Case: Command Board User can now access ArcGIS layers such as water mains, within the command board eliminating the need to navigate to other areas of the First Due platform to find ArcGIS information while running a incident command.

Seamless Template Switching Within Command Board
  1. What:  Template switching with data retention and continuity. Previously, switching templates in the command board reset all timers, wiped all data and assignments, checklists etc and started the command over in the newly selected template. Now with this new enhancement, switching templates is seamless. The First Due System now matches items across templates based on pre-defined criteria, such as assignment name, type, and checklist items, and transfers them without data loss. Unmatched items are automatically created in the new template, replicating the initial setup and preserving properties. he Par Timer is maintained, and annotations will populate across the template switch. Command staff, assignments, and units with matching items across templates are preserved, along with strategy and requests. A pop up will appear to notify Command Board Users of the impending template switch and outline the on the status, including confirmation of matched, created, and non-transferable items. 

  2. Why: Incidents are dynamic situations and incident commands have to able to change and adapt to those changing conditions. If an Incident command changes and a different template is needed this enhancement allows for the command board user to adapt to the new situation without losing any critical data or tracking of units, checklists, etc.

  3. How: These enhanced features are available within the Command Board. No action is required.

  4. Use Case: Command Board Users can switch templates on the fly if the incident evolves beyond the best case use for the initially chosen or defaulted template. An example would be a extrication accident that then turns out to have a HAZMAT element due to unforeseen cargo. The Command Board Template can be switched and all data retained from the start of the initial command board


  1. None

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