Pre-Planning Module - Monthly Completion Report

Pre-Planning Module - Monthly Completion Report


  1. To provide instructions for running the Pre-Plan Monthly Completion report.

How is this report helpful?

  1. This report allows you to track what Pre-Plans have been completed by month(s).

  2. The heat map enables you to visualize areas where Pre-Plans have been completed.


  1. Navigate to Reports > Pre-Plan Reports.

  2. Select Monthly Completion from the dropdown menu on the landing page.

  3. The default parameters are the current month and a 5-month threshold prior to the current month. Select Advanced Search to change the report parameters.

  4. The chart can be expanded into focus view or downloaded by using the buttons in the upper left corner of the report.

  5. You can view the data report by selecting the "All Data" button in the lower right corner.

  6. You can download data of the report by selecting .

  7. The Heat Map can be viewed in focus mode by selecting . Select that button again to return to standard view.

  8. Hovering over elements of the chart will provide information for that data element.

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