Personnel Setup - General Settings

Personnel Setup - General Settings


  1. To explain the General Settings section of Personnel Setup.



1. Click on Personnel > Setup.

2. The general settings allow you to determine how the banner will appear, and what changes end-users can make in their personnel record. 

The general settings allow you to determine how the banner will appear, and what changes end-users can make in their personnel record.

3. The banner can be customized by name order and three additional items.
  • The name order can be selected by the drop down menu. 
  • The Items allow you to choose between rank, Agency ID, and Start Date. 

The banner can be customized by name order and three additional items.

4. When you select items, a preview banner will appear.

When you select items, a preview banner will appear.

5. The Users Permissions allow you to determine what end users can update in their personal profile. You can allow users to:
  1. Update headshots.
  2. Update Phone Numbers. 
  3. Update Email. 
  4. Allowing them to adjust scheduling messaging options.

6. Click Save when done. 

Click Save when done.

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