General Settings

General Settings


  1. To explain the General Settings within the Scheduling Modules setup section. 



1. Click on Scheduling > Setup.

2. In the upper left hand corner you will see the General Settings. 

3. System Settings- Start of Day
  1. Start of Day controls the:
    1. Roster count default time.
    2. FSLA calculations.
    3. This will default the start and end times when adding:
      1. New rotations.
      2. Availability in My Shifts 
      3. Unassigned personnel on the scheduling deputy.

4. Clock Settings allow you to determine the Time Format and Time Granularity.
  1. The Time Format affects how time is displayed.
    1. You can choose from Standard, 24 hour, and 24 hour military format.
  2. Time Granularity allows you to choose how close to the current time you can select. 
    1. This comes into play whenever you are adding time to any user. 
    2. You can choose from 1 minute up to 30 minute granularity.

5. Max Consecutive Hours allow you to determine the maximum number of hours an employee can work in a row, before needing a minimum break. 
  1. Type in the Max an individual can work, as well as the minimum hours they need as a break. 
  2. Select the Work Types that these maximums and minimums apply.

6. When you are done changing the System and Clock Settings, Click on Save. 

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